Background on FAWEZI
FAWEZI was launched in March 1998 and registered as a Private Voluntary Organization in 1999, Registration No: W/O: PVO: 11/99. Its founding members included the former Minister of Education, Dr Fay Chung; Deputy Speaker, Ednah Madzongwe; Public Service Commissioner, Dr Hope Sadza; Zimbabwe’s High Commissioner in Namibia, Mary Mubi; retired Educational Psychologist, Dr Tommie Samakange; the late Dr Sarah Kachingwe; Professor Rudo Gaidzanwa and the late Salome Nyoni who was then the Deputy Secretary of Women’s Affairs and the former Principal of Belvedere Teachers College Mrs Jane Makawa. FAWEZI is affiliated to the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE). FAWE is a Pan-African Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) created and led by African women who champion gender equity and equality as well as quality in education across the continent. Since 1992, FAWE has been influencing governments, local partners, schools, and communities to support the development and implementation of policies as well as practical innovations to promote girls’ education in Africa.
For the past 23 years, FAWEZI has contributed immensely to the education of women and girls in Zimbabwe through its various interventions aimed at addressing gender equality and equity in education. Over the past years FAWEZI has grown in strength as a key player in supporting the education of girls. Through adapting to changes within the operating environment and acknowledging emerging issues, the organization continued to work within its mandate to pursue its vision and mission. FAWEZI is governed by a National Executive Committee comprising women from the ten provinces, selected every two years by the Annual General Meeting.
An inclusive society in which all gender disparities in education are eliminated and girls and women are holistically empowered for socio-economic transformation.
FAWEZI provides opportunities for girls and women to develop skills, competencies and values that will make them productive members of the society. This is done in partnership with strategic partners, national government, non-governmental organizations, educators, researchers and local communities to influence policy and practice, build public awareness and demonstrate best educational practice.
Strategic goals
FAWEZI strategically positions itself to participate in influencing development, review, realignment, implementation and monitoring of policies relating to education and gender equality.
Read the full profile here (203KB PDF)