Promoting access to justice & human rights protection through legal support and research
Organizational Background
The Legal Support and Research Initiative Trust [LSRIT] was registered as a Trust in July 2020 under Deed of Trust MA1211/2020 in Harare-Zimbabwe, in terms of the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 20:05]. The Trust has four (4) founding Trustees drawn from child rights and protection, women’s rights and gender and Constitutional and legal reforms research and advocacy. Its mandate is to provide human rights support and independent legal research which leverages, builds onto and amplifies past and existing initiatives on access to justice and in the promotion and protection of human rights in Zimbabwe for the benefit of state and non-state entities and ultimately, the generality of Zimbabweans. It seeks to promote improved access to justice and human rights protection through facilitation of responsive and informed practical support and legal research. Its specific objectives are:
- To provide and inform practical help and solutions to justice seekers in Zimbabwe.
- To undertake independent research and systematic and regular assessments of factors impacting on access to justice and human rights protection in Zimbabwe in order to recommend and influence informed actions.
The formation of the organization is premised on a belief that while much effort has been put in enhancing access to justice (ATJ) and the protection and enjoyment of human rights in Zimbabwe, not as much value and results have been realised and this is for a number of reasons. It is LSRIT’s belief that in order to obtain as much value as is possible from all the initiatives and support rendered on these two streams to date, there is need for independent, systematic, regular and holistic assessments of initiatives and related factors. This we believe, is a critical measure towards influencing the required strategies to help Zimbabwe make further strides in access to justice and human rights protection at any given point. Related to this, LSRIT was also formed in response to noted gaps in legal service provision by past and current initiatives, while also seeking to promote holistic and improved support to justice seekers through informing as well as provision of practical solutions that are initially tested for possible escalation. In this quest, LSRIT seeks to utilise legal research as a key pivot to providing regular assessments/analysis of various aspects related to and affecting ATJ and human rights protection and enjoyment and is premised on the following levels of implementation;
LSRIT aims to provide human rights support and independent legal research on access to justice for the benefit of vulnerable groups, state and non-state entities.
Influencing the provision of needs based and practical support to justice seekers in Zimbabwe through;
- Provision of practical legal support to prison inmates and access to justice players working in prisons
- Provision of access to justice support to women and girls’ justice seekers.
- Impact assessments of past and on-going access to justice/ human rights support initiatives for a global outlook
- Research on service provision gaps and on other legal and related aspects with an impact on access to justice.
- Justice seekers at the community level, courts, police stations and those in prison.
- Legal aid service providers and human rights organisations across the nation.
- Developmental partners supporting access to justice and human rights protection in Zimbabwe.
The project’s expected results are;
- Increased awareness and knowledge of rights, systems, services and procedures relating to access to justice on issues of interest to prisoners, women and children in Zimbabwe including through direct and indirect reach.
- Evidence and knowledge on experiences of justice seekers in Zimbabwe’s justice system.
Contact Details
Contact Person: Chingasiyeni Govhati- Programs Coordinator , No . 4 Dacouto Road, Avonlea, Harare Phone: +263773287898, Email: or
Source: Legal Support and Research Initiative Trust