Statement on the Impact of Ongoing Health Sector Incapacitation
Women for Economic and Social Empowerment (WESE) is deeply worried by the ongoing indefinite incapacitation of health sector workers over poor working
Women for Economic and Social Empowerment (WESE) is deeply worried by the ongoing indefinite incapacitation of health sector workers over poor working
“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable
On the 24th May the Constitutional Court declared that provisions of the Criminal Law Code governing the age at which children can
Women of Africa (WoA)is a trust, non-partisan, not-for-profit-making organization working towards advancing the rights of girls and women in Zimbabwe through supporting
Background Faith Foundation is a registered (MA0001187/2019) community based charity trust operating in the high density and peri rural areas of Harare,
The women’s quota system in Parliament, which has been extended by a further 10 years, is mere tokenism that will never empower
Bulawayo female waste pickers are exposed to high physical and economic abuse perpetrated by their male counterparts, waste buyers and council workers.
Zimbabwe has more than halved maternal mortality rates in a decade, from 960 per 100 000 live births in 2010 to 462
WLSA Zimbabwe has just published a report on the Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Women’s Full Political Participation. Among other things the
Volume 1 of the Economic Justice for Women Newsletter covers pertinent issues among them the participation of young women in elections and
This report outlines the outcomes of a research conducted by the Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE) in partnership with
Vision “An equal society where adolescent girls and young women thrive through social, economic, political and environmental transformation and empowerment”. Mission online