Bills Coming up in Parliament This Week: Bill Watch 18/2022
Having been in recess since their last sittings on 13th April, both the Senate and the National Assembly will resume sitting today.
Having been in recess since their last sittings on 13th April, both the Senate and the National Assembly will resume sitting today.
Journalism Under Digital Siege Veritas joins the rest of the world in commemorating World Press Freedom Day which is observed on 3rd
As Monday 2nd May is an “extra” public holiday [because the Workers’ Day public holiday yesterday fell on Sunday] committee meetings this
Both Houses Sat on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th April, They are Now in Recess until Tuesday 3rd May Both Houses sat
Introduction In November last year the Minister of Finance and Economic Development tabled in Parliament a comprehensive statement of public debt of
Zimbabwe Loses Wetlands as EMA Dithers The Auditor-General’s report on the protection of wetlands was tabled last year in the National Assembly
Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) is outraged at a memo currently in circulation allegedly emanating from the office of
There will be committee meetings open to attendance by members of the public as observers this week. The meeting will be on
Both Houses Sat Last Week & Will Sit Again This Week, Further Progress on Bills This Week is Possible This bulletin is
On the 1st April the Government published SI 67 of 2022, which gives legal effect to a Cabinet decision last Tuesday that
Both Houses are sitting this Week After being in Recess since 18th March Bills Dealt with before the Recess Error in Bill
The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will conduct public hearings on the above Bill from Monday 4th to Friday