Mutasa Community Members Mobilised to Include Women and Women With Disabilities (WWDs)s in Leadership Positions

On the 12th and 13th of February 2021, WALPE in partnership with Deaf Zimbabwe Trust (DZT) and Mutasa Youth Forum (MYF) with the help from Christian Aid conducted a virtual awareness raising and sensitization training programme to mobilise community members in Mutasa District to vote for women and women with disabilities (WWDs) in local and national level leadership and decision making processes.

Women and women with disabilities have for a long time been excluded from leadership and decision making processes and as a consortium, WALPE, DZT and MYF took it upon themselves to raise awareness in the communities so that women, young women and WWDs can take up leadership positions.

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With the country under lockdown, the participants went through a capacity building training on how to use digital platforms such as Zoom and WhatsApp video as most people in rural areas do not know about these platforms let alone how to use them.

50 participants, who include men, young men, traditional and religious leaders and women were engaged and encouraged to support women and WWDs running for community and national level positions such as School Development Committees (SDCs), Health Centre Committees (HCC), Ward Development Committees (WADCO), Village Development Committees (VIRDCO), farming committees, councillors, MPs and Presidents. The participants were taken through a process of why it is important for women and WWDs to occupy such critical leadership positions. They promised to support the women leaders and vote for them in future plebiscites.

Source: Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE)

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