On the 29th and 30th of January 2021, WALPE in partnership with Deaf Zimbabwe Trust (DZT) and Mutasa Youth Forum (MYF) with support from Christian Aid held an online training on community advocacy, sensitisation and awareness raising on disability rights, gender equality and social accountability.
50 participants were present for the online workshop and amongst them were eight duty bearers who include five traditional leaders, two religious leaders and two female councillors, representatives from the ministry of health and child care, an Agritex officer, four village health care workers, aspiring women and women with disabilities’ leaders, men and local business people.
During the meeting, the participants discussed why it is important for women and women with disabilities (WWDs) to occupy leadership and decision making positions. They crafted strategies of increasing the number of women and WWDs in leadership and decision making processes. They promised to be ambassadors for gender equality in their district including engaging other community members especially men to help in creating a conducive environment for women and WWDs’ participation in community development.
The participants were also taken through a training process on why it is important for them to promote social accountability, transparency and end all forms of corruption in Mutasa. Discussions on how corruption and lack of accountability is inhibiting grown and affecting the delivery of affordable and reliable public social services were made. It was agreed that women and girls do suffer more from poor public service provision and the participants took it upon themselves to advocate for good governance and an end to corruption.
Source: Women’s Academy for Leadership and Political Excellence (WALPE)