This twentieth media monitoring report on the 2018 elections highlights trends in the Zimbabwean media’s performance in their coverage of the elections. The study assessed the level to which the media is fair and balanced in representing political players. The report covers issues reported by the media on the twenty-eighth day of the election period – 27 June 2018.
On the twenty-eighth day of the electoral period, Media Monitors observed that more needs to be done by both the print and electronic media to ensure equitability of coverage of political parties as stipulated in the Electoral Act. Despite the lack of equity in the representation of political parties it should be noted that most of the coverage recorded has been neutral which will help the electorate to independently vet the political actors and the performance of the electoral authority.
Most of the coverage of political actors in the electronic media has emanated from current affairs, care needs to be taken to ensure political actors are covered in the programming formats stipulated in the Electoral Act.
Source: Media Monitors
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