The Harare Residents’ Trust continues to monitor the situation in Harare suburbs during the lockdown. On Friday 12 June 2020, the president declared that level two is continuing. Informal businesses have been encouraged to register before they start to operate. Churches can now resume services but limited to 50 (fifty) people per gathering. ZUPCO buses continue to operate and private transport operators remain side-lined. As the HRT keeps track of events taking place during the lockdown, key areas of monitoring include water delivery, citizens’ awareness of the coronavirus, responsiveness of council officials on citizens’ reports, lockdown enforcement by City and State security officials (human rights approach), refuse collections, compliance with lockdown regulations on people’s movement. This situational update highlights the situation on water, health, people’s movement and awareness of Covid-19, food security, the transport situation, availability of fuel around Harare and some other updates.
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Source: Harare Residents Trust (HRT)