Zimbabwe National Network of People living with HIV (ZNNP+) and Zimbabwe Young Positives (ZY+) join the rest of the world in commemorating The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial running under the theme “We remember – We take action – We live beyond HIV”. As the world deals with the coronavirus pandemic we must support our families and communities to stay healthy. People living with HIV have a role to play beyond the HIV response and this year’s memorial is an opportunity for all PLHIV to act in solidarity with the world as we deal with COVID-19 and its impact on all spheres of our lives.
This year we encourage you to mark this day in your homes. Join the virtual Candlelight Memorial by holding a vigil from your home. Light a candle or use your mobile phone flashlight.
Source: Zimbabwe National Network of People living with HIV (ZNNP+) and Zimbabwe Young Positives (ZY+)