Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) has learnt with deep sadness of the passing on of Dr Dumiso Dabengwa, the leader of ZAPU party and liberation war stalwart on Thursday 23 May 2019.
Dr Dabengwa’s death is a great loss not only to his family but also to the nation, the African region and the world as a whole.
Dr Dabengwa was and shall remain a leading icon of the nationalist struggle for liberation from the oppression of the people of Zimbabwe by the colonial regime prior to the gaining of the country’s national Independence in 1980.
ZLHR will always value the contribution to the fostering a culture of human rights that Dr Dabengwa made. As a client of ZLHR, we salute him for actively litigating to protect political rights of citizens. Through several legal cases that he brought in court, he sought to foster a culture of human rights, democracy and constitutionalism in Zimbabwe.
ZLHR extends its deepest condolences to his wife, the Dabengwa family, friends and the nation at large.
We thank him and his family for all they have done for Zimbabwe, Africa and the world.
Dr Dabengwa will be greatly missed and may the Dabengwa family and the nation take comfort in that he fought a good fight and in his legacy of a tolerant, open and just society.
May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Hamba Kahle Dr Dabengwa! Go Well! The Struggle Continues
Source: Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR)