Following last week’s successful launch of the Issue-Based Voter Education and (Agitation) Mobilization Campaign (IBVA), Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) yesterday the 10th of February, commenced the second phase of the campaign which is dubbed MOWEF “IBVA” Street and Constituency Conversations. These will be street conversations to be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday of every week for the duration of the campaign. The MOWEF Street and Constituency Conversations will act as platforms for street vendors to discuss amongst themselves their experiences of the previous and coming week regarding voter registration and other electoral processes, exploring on the challenges they will have encountered and harnessing the opportunities emerging.
The meeting conducted yesterday was attended by 103 trained Voters Voter Educators (VVEs). This training resulted in the creation of a pool of 103 MOWEF “IBVA” Street and Constituency Conversations facilitators who will ensure a continuous impartation of knowledge on electoral processes at the street and constituency levels and in the process influence vendors to participate in the actual registration. The trained members were also put into ‘zones’ to allow for the tracking of the project.
Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET)