VISET Convenes Domboshava Multi-Stakeholder Feedback Meeting

Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) on Friday the 24th of June 2022 convened a Multi Stakeholder Feedback Meeting at Chirodzero Business Centre, Ward 4, Showgrounds Domboshava.

The meeting saw informal traders, the ward Councillor, Church leaders, Traditional leadership and Government officials being presented with findings from a community survey that had earlier been undertaken by VISET. The findings, which were presented by VISET Monitoring and Evaluation officer Edward Kapodogo, revealed that the majority of informal traders were operating from undesignated sites, with active age groups being 20-45 years of age, and mostly dealing in farm produce and second-hand clothing.

The Ward Councillor Tapiwa Murima welcomed the survey findings saying they were a critical knowledge product for the Goromonzi Rural District Council in coming up with appropriate solutions to development challenges in the geographically vast District. He also appealed to central government to fully implement the devolution principle to enable each Ward to determine its own developmental priorities. The Councillor also undertook to use his influence as a member of the Finance Committee in the council to push for an audit to establish where amounts being paid by informal traders who constructed their own stalls were being channelled towards.

Ms. Kudzayi Ndoro of the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and Small to Medium Enterprise Development urged informal traders to unite in their diversity of trade in order for them to benefit fully from facilities on offer by the Ministry and Finance institutions.

Tichaona Mazhambe Chairperson of the Chirodzero Informal Traders Association welcomed VISET activities saying they have been instrumental in getting them to get an audience with solution holders, something which was hitherto impossible despite extending invitations.

VISET Programmes Manager Ms. Gillian Chinzete promised to ensure continued interactions with all stakeholders in order to ensure that informal traders get maximum benefits from national empowerment programmes. She also expressed happiness with the fact that the majority of participants were women and informed participants of the Informal Economy Women’s Hub that was created in order to focus on the unique needs of women in the sector who face challenges such as unpaid care work, long working hours, unregulated conditions of service and unresponsive service delivery at both local and national level.

Councillor Murima in closing, extended an invitation to all present to attend the upcoming full council meeting in order for all to ensure their concerns are taken on board and that they speak with one voice.

Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation

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