On the 11th of February village heads in the Chilonga community petitioned the Chiredzi district development administrator with issues that they feel must be urgently addressed on what to appear to be consultations concerning the lucerne grass project. On the 10th of February 2022, the Chiredzi DA Mr. Chisema called a meeting with the Chilonga headman in Chiredzi. The meeting was also attended by a Dendairy representative. The district administrator only invited four village heads per ward to the exclusion of many village heads. This act triggered village heads to question the criteria used, medium of communication, and whether the process was done in a partisan manner. The meeting was held in Chiredzi town far away from where the affected people are located, risking their lives crossing the overflowing Chilonga bridge using boats thus forcing many to not attend. The Chiredzi district development administrator has not yet responded to the petition.
Find the petition here (3MB PDF)
Source: MACRAD