621 days of the COVID-19 Lockdown, and as of 9 th of December 2021, the Ministry of Health and Child Care reported that, the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases had increased to 155 817 after 5 189 new cases all local cases, were recorded. The highest case tally was recorded in Harare with 1 503 cases. We note that the Hospitalisation rate data as at 15:00hrs on 8 December 2021, 257 hospitalised cases: 76 New Admissions, 7 Asymptomatic cases, 235 mild-to-moderate cases, 13 severe cases and 2 cases in Intensive Care Units. A total of 16 248 people received their 1st doses of vaccine. The cumulative number of the 1st dose vaccinated now stands at 3 924 108. A total of 20 216 recipients received their second dose bringing the cumulative number of 2nd dose recipients to 2 946 357. Active cases go up to 21 958. The total number of recoveries went up to 129 136 increasing by 41 recoveries. The recovery rate remains 86%. The death toll goes up to 4 723 after 3 new deaths were recorded today.
Critical Emerging Issue
Harare Province Infections and Vaccinations
We note with concern the four consecutive days with Harare province registering the highest number of new infections of COVID-19 cases. We are further concerned when consideration is given to the low vaccination rate at 38.9% 1 st doses of the vaccine in the province which is not progressive in stemming the spread of infections. We continue to decry the limited access to vaccination in the Metropolitan province which appears to be in direct contrast with the Bulawayo Metropolitan province which is currently at 56.6% 1st dose vaccination.
- We therefore call for a concrete plan of action to expand vaccination in Harare Province urgently.
- We call for specific provision of vaccination centres in residential areas/housing areas under development in order to ensure that under-serviced communities are not shut out of vaccination points.
We reiterate our calls for the expansion of vaccination centres to shopping centres/malls and markets in the in the province. We recommend that vaccination centres be established at major transport inter-changes in and around the city.
Outstanding issues
In-coming Mandatory Vaccination for Public Transport Usage
We note the expansion of vaccination sites to include the main intra and inter-city bus termini. We note further, Government’s notice to the public through the Post Cabinet Briefings that citizens must brace themselves for mandatory vaccination as a pre-requisite for usage of and access to public transport.
- We urge Government to reconsider its position with a view to avoid infliction of unnecessary hardship on citizens due to policies which are not in correspondence with the reality of communities on the ground.
- We further urge Government to support the expanded vaccination drive and hold back from creating the mandatory vaccination mandate prior to the thresholds of 50% citizens fully vaccinated.
Source: Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe