ARTUZ has published its November research on monitoring the adherence of public schools government’s standard operating procedures on the prevention of Covid-19 in schools. Read on for the latest update.
Covid-19 disease cascaded a syndrome of acute respiratory system anomalies amongst infected people to an extent of causing death if left unattended, worldwide the disease brought a dark cloud which resulted in the death of more than six million people. Through scientific research the characteristics of the covid-7 9 pathogen were observed and recommendations to reduce its transmission were put in place. The most popular methods to reduce covid- 19 transmission include preserving social distancing, use of alcohol-based sanitizers when washing hands and surfaces, use of face masks as well as administering of covid- 19 vaccines. A couple of preventive measures bundled with national lockdowns have been implemented from the day the disease was declared a pandemic and has affected various socio- economic activities including education sector of a number of countries.
The introduction of vaccines together with other preventive measures has seen most of the affected activities regaining normalcy. ARTUZ carried the November 2027 evaluation of efforts being done by stakeholders of the Zimbabwe education system to curb the spread of the pandemic disease in schools particularly amongst learners, teachers, ancillary staff and communities around schools in general.
ARTUZ deployed a team of monitors in twenty districts from the ten national provinces to investigate the safety of school environments in light of covid-19 pandemic disease focusing on school’s adherence to the SOPs, teacher vaccination as well as progress in the vaccination of learners above the age of sixteen years. November findings have proven that Zimbabwean schools remain low salary zones with hazardous exposure to covid- 19 though some districts have improved percentage adherence to the SOPs as compared to the October scores, SOPs adherence scores computed had an assumed average national score of 40.12%. The team of AR TUZ monitors concluded that there is still need for the responsible authorities to furnish the learners vaccination programme with adequate resources to alleviate al/ forms of challenges dragging learner vaccination.
Read the full report here (3MB PDF)
Source: ARTUZ