Public Hearings 11 to 15 October – 2022 National Budget Consultations: Committees Series 37/2021

Public Hearings Monday 11th to Friday 15th October, Public Consultations on 2022 National Budget

The Portfolio Committee on Budget and Finance and the Expanded Committee on Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] will, on behalf of Parliament, be conducting joint public hearings from tomorrow Monday 11th October to Friday 15th October to consult members of the public ­– including organisations and individuals – to learn what the people of Zimbabwe want and expect to be contained in the National Budget for the 2022 financial year. These public hearings will be held to comply with the constitutional responsibility placed on Parliament to involve the public in all it does, particularly when it comes to the formulation of the National Budget.

The members of the Parliamentary committees concerned will split into four teams. They will hold both virtual hearings on radio and conduct physical public meetings countrywide.

Virtual Public Hearings

These will be conducted by means of phone-in radio programmes during which members of the public can express their views. The timetable for these radio programmes is as follows:

Virtual public hearings on radio
DateRadio StationTeamTime
Monday 11 OctoberDiamond FMTeam D1900-2000hrs
Tuesday 12 OctoberCentral FMTeam B1900-2000hrs
Wednesday 13 OctoberClassic 263Team C1000-1200hrs
Thursday 14 OctoberNational FMTeam A1900-2000hrs

Physical Public Hearings

The four teams will conduct physical public hearings countrywide from Monday to Friday according to the programme set out in following four tables:

Team A

11 OctoberCentenaryMuzarabani Growth Point1030-1230hrs
12 OctoberGlendaleTsungubvi Hall1030-1230hrs
13 OctoberRushingaChimhanda Growth Point1030-1230hrs
14 OctoberWedzaKujeke Grounds1030-1230hrs
15 OctoberMudziMudzi Council Offices1030-1230hrs

Team B

11 OctoberHarareAmbassador Hotel1030-1230hrs
11 OctoberHighfieldsMusandirapamwe Hotel1430-1730hrs
12 OctoberZvimbaSt Kizito Parish Hall1030-1230hrs
13 OctoberGokwe- ChireyaGokwe Chireya Mission1030-1230hrs
14 OctoberChirumanzuChirumanzu RDC Sub Office1030-1230hrs
15 OctoberChegutuChegutu Welfare Center1030-1230hrs

Team C

11 OctoberBingaFreedom Square1030-1230hrs
12 OctoberTsholotshoTsholotsho BSPZ1030-1230hrs
13 OctoberBulawayoSelbourne Hotel1030-1230hrs
14 OctoberBulawayoIminyela Hall1430-1730hrs
14 OctoberMaphisaOmadu Hotel1030-1230hrs
15 OctoberUmzingwaneHeany Hall1030-1230hrs

Team D

11 OctoberMutareHauna Valley Lodge1030-1230hrs
12 OctoberRusapeVhengere Community Hall1030-1230hrs
13 OctoberBirchenough BridgeBirchenough Bridge Hotel1030-1230hrs
14 OctoberNyikaBikita Training Centre1030-1230hrs
14 OctoberZakaJerera Ministry of Education BSPZ Conference Room1430-1730hrs
15 OctoberGutuMpandawana Council Office1030-1730hrs

Attendance at these meetings will be subject to the appropriate rules applicable to gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic – wearing of masks, social distancing, limited numbers according to space available, etc.

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Written Submissions

For those not able to attend in the ways covered above, written submissions will be welcome but should be sent without delay, because the Budget programme is a tight one. Written submissions and correspondences are welcome and should be addressed to:

The Clerk of Parliament

Attention: Committee on Budget and Finance and Expanded Committee on SDGS [Budget Consultations]

P.O. Box CY 298

or delivered to Parliament’s Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance in Harare.

Email Submissions can also be made by email to email address

Source: Veritas

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