As a follow on to our wildly popular #KnowYourConstitution campaign, Kubatana ran a follow up campaign asking members what section of the Constitution they think every Zimbabwean should know and why, and also what section of the Constiutiton they would champion, and how. Read some of what our members had to say below, get more at #KnowYourConstitution on Twitter, and check out some of the great pictures from the competition here.
My favourite section is Section 56 of the constitution.It talks of equality and non discrimination before the law is of great importance as it solves issues that were there before. People were treated differently on the basis of sex ,gender, race religion and culture. It also helps to promote peace because an environment were everyone is treated equally is favorable for everyone to thrive and live in harmony with each other and it also lessens conflicts and promote unity.
Section 76, right to health care BECAUSE every human life matters.
I think the Zimbabwe Constitution section that should also be highly addressed is Section 20. Young people should have a mindset paradigm shift and realise we already have the power and responsibility to lead the nation. Leadership is not a power seat, it’s the affirmative action we take everyday …even when no one is looking! When we interact with family, friends and the community, is what we are saying and doing building towards our dream nation or is it destroying even the very foundation?
Every Zimbabwe should know section 4 of the new education amendment act of 2020 which says “5 Compulsory education (1) Every child shall be entitled to compulsory basic state funded education. (2) Any parent who deprives their child the right to basic state funded education shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 6 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.”
This section below must be known with every citizen of Zimbabwe. because people are being abused and harrassed by the police because they are not aware of this readings. Once one know, corruption will be less: 219.Police Service and its functions.
Besides the section 76 that stipulates that everyone has the right to health care, Zimbabweans should also know the Section 78 that speaks to Marriage rights. This states that every citizen who have attained the age of 18 can found a family and no one should be compelled into marriage against their will. This needs to be known by all Zimbabweans because we are seeing cases of sexual abuse where relatives are forcing minors below the age of 18 to get married to their perpetrators which is something I think is secondary victimization and and again child marriages have become a normalized thing. This why I think people should know the constitution and be enlightened because people are being forced into marriages due to several circumstances.
I think that every Zimbabwean should know section 8 of the constitution that states that the state must put in place measures to combat corruption and abuse of power and that they must work hard to uncover and expose these things. This is because I think that it is important fir every Zimbabwean to know that those in power are actually legally OBLIGATED to do these things and that it is a crime if they do not them. Yes they are morally obligated but also legally obligated.
Section 81 of Zimbabwean Constitution: Rights of children. Every child, either boy or girl under the age of 18 years, has the right to be protected from economic and sexual exploitation, from child labour, and from maltreatment, neglect or any form of abuse. Zimbabweans should know this Constitution because many children are being “sexually abused” (not excluding other forms of abuse) each and every day.
Section 77 of the Zimbabwean Constitution Right to food and water states that a)every person has the right to safe, clean, potable water and b)sufficient food. Zimbabweans need to know this constitution because a lot of children are suffering from mulnutrition and also in Harare almost every location has no safe and clean water to drink and people are ending up buying safe water.
Section 75 of Zimbabwean Constitution:Right To Education. Every child has right to attend both Primary and Secondary School. This section of the constitution is important for every Zimbabwean to know because most of the children are not going to school
Section 74 of the Zimbabwe Constitution freedom from arbitrary eviction states that No person may be evicted from their home, have their home demolished, without an order of court made after considering all the relevant circumstances. Zimbabweans should know this constitution because a lot of tenants are being evicted from their homes by their so called landlords without or with minimum notice. To add more a lot of houses are being destroyed without the owners consent or knowledge.
The section of the constitution that every Zimbabwean should know is section 67 which bestows political freedom upon every citizen of Zimbabwe.
Section 73 is one of the Sections of the Constitution that I think ever Zimbabwean should know because it is also a facilitator of other rights such as the right to health. Everyone has the right to prevent pollution and the degradation of the environment, as climate change is the most pressing international human rights issue. Climate change is one of the greatest threats we face. If we do not act now, the results will be catastrophic. Failure by the Zimbabwean government to put legislative and other measures to protect the environment, International Human Rights will hang on a precarious plane. Climate change impacts in an already fragile country can push people past the tipping point into a maelstrom of political instability. Climate change can also accelerate food insecurity and economic weakness.
Every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to free, fair and regular elections for any elective public office established in terms of the Constitution or any other law and the right to make political choices freely.
Subject to the Constitution, every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice. The right to campaign freely and peacefully for a political party or reason; to participate in peaceful political activity and to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause.
The Constitution provides that every Zimbabwean citizen who is of or over eighteen years of age has the right to vote in all elections and referendums to which this Constitution or any other law applies, and to do so in secret; and to stand for election for public office and, if elected, to hold such office. This section is very important for every citizen of Zimbabwe because it reflects the democratic notions of political equality that Zimbabwe subscribes to as a nation.
I think all Zimbabweans should be aware of the “Environment rights section” in the Constitution of Zimbabwe. I think in order for people to be good stewards of the Environment, they need to be aware of what freedom they have when using the Environment as well as what responsibility they have in taking care of the Environment. I also think that in Zimbabwe, currently our natural resources such as diamonds are being exploited because people are not aware of what rights they have on their environment and what responsibility they also have. In order for us, as a country to meet one of the 17UN sustainable goals which states that Reduction of global warming by 30% by 2030 it will only take our efforts as responsible citizens to know our environmental rights and responsibilities.
Right to be heard. Chapter 4 section 69(1)_(4) to be heard on trials and any other complaints so you are not dismissed or given judgment before giving your side of the story.
I think that every Zimbabwean should know section 57 of the constitution that says that “every person has the right to privacy.” When I was growing up in my street vanhu vaigara vachibirwa and I remember even takatombobirwa as well, vaizongoisa havo maburglar bar but zvinhu zvatoenda and no one would even report kumapirisa. After I read this section of the constitution I realised there are no boundaries. People cannot just enter someone’s residency vongoba zvinhu zvevanhu that they have worked hard for. And matresspassers no matter how much people would say hapana nzira vanhu vanongo ramba vachipfura. You would find kids vachivhura mabin, peeing muma yard evanhu. Kozoti vaye who go through someone’s phone without their permission that is also a violation of section 57. Arrests must be made, restraining orders filed and perpetrators dealt with accordingly and also I think having neighbourhood watch groups would also help
Section 83. Constitution and Rights to Persons with Disabilities. This constitution must be practiced and recognized in Zimbabwe because disabled people are being portrayed as a disadvantage group in the society and at the same time being treated negatively and dehumanized therefore there is need for consideration and show some love and acceptance that that’s how they are created. They are also being taken as a “Forgotten tribe” and as a burden on the country as some of them are extremely physically disabled henceforth reducing the productivity in the country so these people are suppose to be treated with love and as people who also sometimes face challenges we must take disability issues as charity because we know how hard it is for them to work alone.
Everyone must know section 65 on labour rights. Section 65 which protects labour rights is of significance and matters most to the writer as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (no.20) act, 2013. The Provisions of section 65 has elucidated and made it unambiguously clear on the importance of these labour rights in the employment relationship as it creates a health employer-employee relationship. In the pre-existence of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (no.20) act, 2013, employees were jeopardized and prejudiced of their labour rights by employer through unfair labour practices and standards which includes but not limited infringing employees’ freedom of association, discrimination and unsatisfactory working conditions.
The section which all Zimbabweans and other person(s) must know section 65
Every Zimbabwean citizen must know section 19 which provides for Children’s Rights. The state is responsible and ensures that in matters relating to children, the best interests are dealt with and are of paramount importance. This section emphasizes that the state should adopt reasonable policies that ensure children enjoy family or parental care, have shelter and basic nutrition, health care and social services. This section also points out that children are not required to perform work that is inappropriate for their age as well as risk the children ‘s well being. This section of the constitution should be known because it protects the children against all forms of violence or maltreatment, hence the state has an obligation and duty to fulfill.
The right to vote. Under section 67 (3) of the Constitution, “every Zimbabwean citizen who is of or over 18 years of overage has the right to vote in all elections and referendums” and section 155(2) (b) declares “The State must take all appropriate measures, including legislative measures” to ensure that every eligible citizen has an opportunity to vote. Paragraph 1(2) of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution allows the Electoral Law to stipulate residential requirements, but only “to ensure that voters are registered on the most appropriate voters roll” not to prevent them from being registered at all. This section is very crucial to every citizen of Zimbabwe because it is the choice of every citizen to choose whoever they want to represent their interests at all levels of government. Voting is essentially a manner in which an individual asserts his/her place in society. Citizens must be educated about the right to vote and urged to partake in every election for their interests to be represented and it also helps in the decision-making process of the nation where every citizen participates in elections.
Section 70 of the constitution is important because it gives absolute protection to children under the age of 12.If anyone has sexual intercourse with them should be charged even tho they had agreed to do so.The person is to be charged with guilt of rape offense.
Every person has the right to safe, clean and potable water. Every person has the right to sufficient food; and the State must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within the limits of the resources available to it, to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. Every Zimbabwean citizen must know this section because it must be to every citizen’s knowledge that the state must provide clean water and food for it’s citizens. Knowing this section empowers citizens to hold the state accountable for it’s failure to provide clean water in cities and villages. Many people are starving to death because of hunger in Zimbabwe, equiped with this section one must be empowered to confront the responsible authorities for the availability of these basic needs.
28 Declaration of Human Rights. I believe this is the most important section in the Constitution , and every Zimbabwean must know it by heart. You cannot enjoy being a Zimbabwean if you don’t know what is within this section since it contains our Rights and Freedoms.
Section 3: Right to govern is derived from the people. Zimbabwean come to an extent that they ignore voting during an election , not knowing that right to suffrage is their fundamental right.Power is driven by the will of the people😊. But people turn to be ignorant because sometime voting is made worthless due the abnormality caused by practises such as vote rigging, intimidation during election runoff making the elections fraud.
Every Zimbabwean must know section 77 of the constitution of Zimbabwe which provides for the Rights to food and water.
I think the section that every Zimbabwean should know is section 76, the right to basic health care. Most people remain ill because they are not aware that as citizens or permanent residents of Zimbabwe they have the right to basic health care, reproductive and emergency medical care. Many people have lost their loved ones to sicknesses that could have been dealt with just because they couldn’t get the much needed necessary assistance from the health facilities.
SECTION 51:Right to human dignity. In my private and public life my right to dignity has to be protected and respected.
Section 78(2) of the Constitution provides that no person can be compelled to enter into a marriage against their will. I believe every Zimbabwean should know this section in the Constitution because some young children are being brainwashed to the extent of not knowing their own rights as a child they should know they have a choice to say no to some of the believes being taught which will be against their rights anyone below the age of 18 years is a child, and the Constitutional Court has confirmed that marriage with children under 18 years is prohibited.
The Domestic Violence Act (Chapter 5:16) criminalises abuse derived from any cultural or customary rites or practices, including child and forced marriages that discriminate against or degrade girls and women. I believe every Zimbabwean has to know this section in the constitution because as youths or young children are being abused thinking its the way rather we are being exploited just because we don’t know the constitution for example arranged marriages.
I think every Zimbabwean should know of section 78 of the constitution which talks of marriage rights. Given the backdrop of the social media outrage on the death of Memory Machaya a married 14 year old of the Apostolic sect, it is important for Zimbabweans to understand that child marriage is illegal. The constitution gives a right to found a family to someone who has attained the legal age of majority which is 18. The section under subsection 2 also provides that noone is supposed to be compelled into marriage against their will. We find that most girls in different religious sects are unaware of the protection awarded to them by the constitution and do not even complain when these things happen because it looks normal to them.
I believe all citizens absolutely need to be conscientized on the Bill of Rights. A lot of abuses and assaults on individual rights happen every day in our communities, and the perpetrators get away with it because they are confident that their victims will never hold them to account. Emancipation from ignorance on the individual’s civic rights is the first step towards getting people to stand up and fight for their rights. With an informed public, powerful human rights abusers will think twice before they ill-treat fellow citizens.
Section 70: RIGHTS OF ACCUSED PERSONS. This is the section that i think every Zimbabwean should know. Anyone can be accused of any offence and at any time and anywhere therefore every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section so that human rights of the accused person are not enshrined. Every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section so that if you are being accused of an offence you should be given enough time and facilities to prepare a defence and also to know that you are innocent until proved guilty, this therefore enable a person to take time and make research so as to make evidence based defence. Zimbabweans should know that they have the right to choose a legal practitioners although it will be at their own expense but should be represented by that legal practitioner, in some cases most people in rural areas and in peri-urban areas are not aware of this and they normally fail to have and to be represented by the legal practitioner therefore their rights have no one to defend them. Zimbabweans should know about this section so that they be present when being tried this therefore means that all the process and the dates for trial should be clearly announced. Section 70 (j) Highlights that: To have the proceedings of the trial interpreted into a language that they understand, this therefore means that Zimbabweans have the rights to be trialed with the Language that they understand especially vulnerable groups such as women, the elderly and Persons with disabilities for instance in this case sign language should be used to interpret for an accused deaf and dump persons. Moreover, this is elaborated on the same section 2(a) which states that information must be given in a language that the person understand and if he or she can not read or write any document the information must be explained clearly in such a way that the person understand. This sections is also supported by section 6 which highlights the 16 officially recognised languages of Zimbabwe. Therefore, all Zimbabweans should be educated so as to be knowledgeable about section 70 of the constitution. Section 70 part 5 (a) states that Any persons who has been tried and convicted of an offence has the right, subject to reasonable restrictions that be prescribed by law to – have the case reviewed by a higher court or (b) appeal to higher court against the conviction and sentence. All Zimbabweans should know about this section so that if they are satisfied with the sentence they can still apeal to higher court for review so that every trial is tried free and fair without breaking the law or enshrine the human rights of the accessed persons. Therefore, All Zimbabwean should be knowledgeable about this section. Zimbabweans should be educated about this section through Radio discussions, and it the information should be also shared on Social media such as Whats App, Twitter and Facebook. Education about this section can also be done through conducting community outreaches especially in rural areas where it is difficult to use social media.
The important section of the constitution that l feel people should know is section 81 it states every child under the age of 18 has the right to be protected from economic sexual exploitation, child labor, and maltreatment or any other about to protect the future leaders of tomorrow.
Section 90 of the Constitution, Duties of President: The President must uphold, defend, obey and respect this Constitution as the supreme law of the nation and must ensure that this Constitution and all the other laws are faithfully observed. The President must promote unity and peace in the nation for the benefit and well-being of all the people of Zimbabwe; recognise and respect the ideals and values of the liberation struggle; ensure protection of the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the rule of law; and respect the diversity of the people and communities of Zimbabwe.
I would want to champion Chapter 14 of the Constitution, section 264ff. (Devolution clause). To champion it I would inter alia: Promulgate subsidiary legislation that spells out the roles and responsibilities for each of the 3 tiers of gvt to guide the implementation of devolution. Engage in massive public education about devolution and enhance public engagement in the devolution process.
The most important section for me in the Constitution is section 81 which speaks to the rights of Children. People are always of the view that children have rights, but to a greater extent Children do not have a voice which stands out for them. I think we have a dilemma that when dealing with children, we are mainly focused on those who are in the urban area, but what of those in rural areas. Who is able to stand up for them and with them? Many children are not able to attend schools, are being abused and many of them are being forced into working whilst underage so that they have food in their stomachs. What I’m also passionate about is that they are restricted many health care services mainly because of their religious affiliations. Are children supposed to suffer because of their parents decisions? Many are subjected to early marriages because that is what is expected of them. Many are not being given sufficient resources such as contraceptives because we still turn a blind eye to the fact that children below even the age of 12 years are indulging in sexual activities. I think it’s high time we stand for the children. Providing educational seminars and lessons to both children and adults so that they know the importance of their rights. Also by making our environment child friendly so that the children have a safe environment to tell us what it is they need assistance with. Having unbiased opinions. And seeing that the world is changing. Opening up clinics that provide children with health care resources. Making sure that their needs are met. Trying by all means to hold seminars in the rural areas because those people are usually sidelined. Therefore is it important that the child start having a voice of their own.
If I were to pick one section of the Constitution it would be section 76 health care. As an advocate for FHI/ZHI Zimbabwe I am excited to be part of a vision that seeks to promote universal health coverage. As it is the goal of ensuring that all members of the population and their communities have access to promoting, preventive, rehabilitative health services that are sufficient quality to be effective without being exposed to financial hardship.
While the l believe the entire supremacy of the constitution, my chosen section of the constitution which l will & believe to be a must recite & need for everyone to grasp would be Part 2 (Fundamental rights & freedoms). This is because it is the essence of our laws, the cherishing of the citizen, his aspirations & humanity and the purpose & intent to let them fruition in the supreme law.This section celebrates the basic needs of the citizen while capping it with what he’s entitled to to realise full citizenry through spelling out a standard. I would translate this into all official languages in Zim & make sure our educational curriculum incorporates Constitutionalism as a compulsory subject from Grade 1.I’d also make sure everyone who employs is mandated to give his employee a copy of the constitution & whoever goes to Registrar generals office for birth, death, marriage certificate gets a summarised copy of the Constitution for free.
Every Zimbabwean must know Constitution number 75 which says every permanent resident of Zimbabwe has a right to a basic state funded education.
If I were to choose one of the constitution that will be Section 75: Right to education. Education is fundamental to human rights and Zimbabwe as a nation. I believe that the right to education for all children should be fundamental. All children, regardless of culture or nationality, should be given equal opportunities to reach their full potential. Everyone needs education. Education plays a key role in the education of a generation that contributes to the development of virtuous and good people. Thanks to right to education, a person can develop mentally, physically and socially. Education for young people is important to help them develop life principles, make the right professional decisions, and prepare to achieve life’s goals. I firmly believe that a good and even regular education is an inalienable right. Education is a right, not a privilege. Education is the best way to improve the lives of children and alleviate poverty. Knowledge also enhances the freedom and authority of individuals. Although there are some challenges to implementing free and compulsory education, this can be overcome by improving teaching hours or changing learning infrastructures. In conclusion for education to be a meaningfully right it must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable to everyone be it young, adult, male, female and even disabled in accordance to the constitutional act.
Section 51 – The right to dignity. The is one fundamental right for it can be used to advance for protection of other rights that follow. When protected and respected this will uphold all our human rights and avoid defilement of what we are due as Zimbabweans.
I choose Section 6 which recognizes 16 languages as official languages of this land. This enforces the state and government agencies as well as public institutions to ensure that all these languages are recognized and treated equally. Now, sign language is part of these 16 languages yet it is hardly considered as one. Public institutions such as The Zimbabwe Republic Police, Clinics and hospitals have not capacitated their works forces to effectively communicate with people with hearing impairments. This failure to treat sign language as an official language sadly lays a strong foundation for the violation of multiple human rights: 1. Section 29 mandates the state to ensure that no person is denied emergency medical treatment at any health institution. But here is the problem, imagine a deaf person who needs to emergency medical attention fails to get it simply becuase if communication barriers, no health officials trained to effectively communicate using sign language. There is a huge problem. 2. The ZRP is key and central in eliminating crimes in our community. If a girl with hearing impairment is sexually abused, rushes to the local police station and fails to getting help simpli because the police officers can not help communicate effectively in sign language🤦🏻♂️. Here is what I would do: a) Short term – Partner with sign language training institutions to train Policer officers at local stations to become proficient in sign language. b) Long term – Lobby for policy amendment and ensure that is becomes mandatory for police officers to get sign language training during their 6 months recruitment training. This also applies to all ministries.
Section 70: The right to be matters for people to disclose their important information and also for them not to be violated. For example what causes domestic violence it is because the other spouse is ignoring this right. So at the end people will suppress others.
Section 65 —Labour Rights. This is the section of the Constitution that i think every Zimbabwean should know. Reasons are: In Covid season most of Zimbabweans have lost their jobs due to lockdown measure, therefore there is a huge trend of unfair and unsafe labour practices that are happening in the Labour sector and many people can not complain since there is fear of losing the available job. But Zimbabweans should know that every person has the right to fair and safe labour practices and standards and to be paid a fair reasonable wage. Zimbabwean should be aware that they are allowed by the Constitution to form and join trade unions and employee or employers’ organisations of their choice and to participate in the lawful activities of those trade unions and organisation. Most Zimbabwean are not fully informed about this Part of the constitution and many are afraid to form or join trade unions because they think its political. However every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section of the constitution. Part 3 of this section highlights rights of employees such as the rights to strike, sit in withdraw their labour but in most cases due to lack of enough knowledge about this part of the section employees in Zimbabwe are forced to work even if they want to withdraw or strike. In some cases of the employee is not happy or he or she strikes they are normally expelled from that job unwillingly there his or her rights would have been violated therefore it is important for every Zimbabwean to be aware and to be knowledgeable about this section of the constitution. This section promotes Gender equality in part 6 which states that women and men have a right to equal remuneration of similar work therefore women should not be vulnerable as employees the salary should be the same for similar work with men .This section is also supported by section 17 which talks about Gender Balance and it is also supported by section 80 of the constitution which talks about the Rights of women therefore every Zimbabwean should know about section 65. Every Zimbabwean should know that constitutionally women employees have a right to fully paid maternity leave for a period of 3 months. In most cases the rights of women are normally violated when they not allowed to go for the maternity leave or if they go they are not fully paid and due to fear of losing their jobs women are not complaining but their rights are being violated. Therefore, it is very important for every Zimbabwean to know about section 65.
Section15 of the Constitution is important because it allows fair judgment to everyone for it states that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefits of the law with out discrimination based on race, religion, sex or disability.
Right to Education which is highlighted in section 75 of the constitution of Zimbabwe matters to me. Especially during this pandemic era the government should really consider this section. Since section states that every citizen has a right to basic state funded education including adult basic education. Due to the ongoing pandemic which requires e-learning, access to education as a right has been highly affected. The government is mandated to provide this right through state funding. The government is failing to mobilize resources needed for e-learning hence, depriving children from their right to education.Most disadvantaged children are those from the rural areas since they are located in remote areas. They are having difficulties in accessing e-resourse to learn online. There is need for interventions so that all children will have equal access to education despite being in a pandemic era.
I would like every Zimbabwean to know Constitution number 62 which talks about access to information because as a citizen of a nation you should have full confidence when leaving your life because of information for information is power for many people perish because of lack of knowledge and information.
I choose #Section80 – Rights of Women. Every woman has full and equal dignity of the person with men and this includes equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities. August is the Women’s Month and South Africa just celebrated it’s Women’s Day on the 9th of Aug and while I acknowledge the strides made in Zimbabwe to emancipate women I also feel the need to highlight there still more hurdles to jump. Issues pertaining to: child marriages – because of religious beliefs and poverty; maternal mortality – because some religions don’t go to hospitals, our health system is broken and some households cannot afford to go to hospitals; menstrual hygiene – girls and women cannot afford pads monthly to an extent that some use cow dung; education – there is a huge school drop out of girls transitioning from primary to secondary level because of poverty and marriages. Charity organisations, communities and families should push the government to implement equal access to enjoyment by both girls and boys, women and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards.
Section 57 of the Constitution is important because it states that every person has the right to privacy which includes the right not to have their possessions seized, their home premises or property searched and important information about a person is disclosed and it’s confidential and a person can leave a private life and their possessions can’t be seized.
If i were to pick one section of the Constitution it would be section 81 based on children’s rights. I would make sure its implemented through media education. Knowledge about the media, their impact and their functioning should be imparted in schools at all levels. Students should be enabled to relate to and use the media in a participatory manner, as well as to learn how to decode media messages, including in advertising.Good experiences in some countries should be made available to others.
Child and forced marriages have been accommodated to put away the tradition of marrying children against their will, due to poverty or religious beliefs and or sometimes to appease the dead (ngozi), or when a child is taken advantage of by an adult according to section 78 sub section 2 concerning marriage rights.
Given a chance, I would gladly champion Section 22 of the Zimbabwean Constitution (2013) on Persons with disabilities. With the country already in the election cycle and heading towards the 2023 elections. I feel its the right time to advocate for disability inclusion as well as addressing constraints and challenges persons with disabilities constantly face when exercising their democratic rights. This is the time to prepare and address issues of accessibility of voting material and information given that people are already registering to vote in the next coming election. The sharing of voter registration information should be inclusive and accessible in print, audio, braille and as well as being communicated in sign language. It is also high time that persons with disabilities be included as election supporting staff and that braille and print ballot papers get to be used thus addressing the issue of assisted voters.
Section 73: Environment Rights and challenge my community using social media to zero pollution and encourage environmental conservation.
Section 70 : Rights to accused persons. I have noted with concern that most accused persons are abusively arrested and ill treated and this goes unnoticed because they think that is what is supposed to be done. I would like to raise awareness on this section so that accused persons are aware of their rights and unlawful arrests can be put to an end. I would also proceed to start an program for inmates especially those who are on remand on their rights and privileges and other pieces of legislation entitled to them. I will also come up with a support system and reporting mechanisms for these unlawfully arrested, so that witnesses or relatives maybe arrested to seek justice for the accused. This will also hold the ZRP accountable for their actions and seek to remove fear from the public of the ZRP from a police force view to a police service view which stands for the people.
Section 81. Make sure that they go to school, access to education material. I want to get involved in the section 81 and tell other children about their rights in order for them to recognize those are whose rights are being violated.
If I were to champion a section of the Constitution I would champion section 57 of the constitution which promotes our right to privacy. This section prohibits the entry into our premises, homes and other property without our permission. It further protects me as an individual not to be searched or my premises to be searched, my possessions again can’t be seized. What makes me joyous is that my communication and other correspondence can not be tampered with and issues about my health can’t be publicized without my prior consent. If I am to champion the awareness of this section, I will use song and dance, poetry and drama. In drama I would have plays whereby people who infringe upon other people’s privacy are arrested, tried and sentenced. Those who have a penchant of talking about other people’s health are also arrested, tried and sentenced and in some cases counseled with the aim of bringing an awareness of the provisions of this section.
If I am to pick one section I would choose Chapter 15 ( Traditional Leaders). My role will be to appraise them especially on principles to be observed by Traditional Leaders.
If I were to pick a section from the Constitution I would pick Section 81. Firstly, I would pick this to promote constitutionalism on the Rights of Children in the wake of gross violation of their rights – for instance, the case of the 14 year old girl who died while giving birth at a shrine in Marange. Secondly, I would pick this section to raise awareness of development rights in relation to education amid the COVID-19. Thus, I would advocate for the government to improve on access to digital technology and internet to remove urban-rural digital divide.
I pick section 76 which talks about access to health. It stipulates that no citizen should be denied health services in a health centre. I’d choose this one because in most cases people are not given proper services,the right to health is being violated and we need to strongly advocate against that. A healthy population means a healthy nation.
If I were to pick one section of the Constitution, it would be section 81 (3) to remind the judiciary that the Constitution places the High Court as the upper guardian of ALL children in Zimbabwe hence courts should only act in the best interests of children in all their pronouncements. Children like Memory Machaya, who lost her life to negligence by duty bearers, need the courts to fully protect them. Letting perpetrators of abuse get away with fines and community service does not promote the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
Section 22 of the Zimbabwe constitution stands out to me. It provides that all institutions and agencies of the government at every level must recognise the rights of persons with physical or mental disabilities, particularly their right to be treated with respect and dignity either poor or rich.
Section 73: Environmental rights. I strongly believe that environmental right are a prerequisite to basic human survival. If the environment is clean, replenished and managed in a sustainable manner, it become safe for it’s inhabitants firstly humans, then wildlife. Rights are interdependent, inseparable and interrelated hence environmental rights have backward, forward and cross cutting linkages with other basic human rights. For example, a clean and safe environment will increase the chance of human living a good quality of life that allows them time and opportunity to pursue other rights such as rights to education, access to information and right to privacy. It’s only when you are alive and healthy that you can pursue other rights and a clean and safe environment increases chances of surviving and thriving. What I will do: Public education through writing is my first port of call. Through peer review articles, I can make the public and policy makers become familiar with environmental information with empirical evidence.
I will champion Section 75 by unpacking the Education Amendment Act that seeks to align the Education Act to the Constitution.
Section 20: Violence against Women. 1) information dissemination – Disseminate crucial information on women’s rights and what the law’s stance on violence. This can be done through: A road shows; B radio jingles; C awareness campaigns; D the use of posters and banners. 2. Proper counseling services which are meant to support men. The services meant to offer mental health care lessons for man that are abusive. 3. offer toll free numbers for tip off of violence against women. 4. Encourage girls, to stay in school, and fight for their right to access sexual and reproductive health services. To woman, can address unconscious biases and implicit associations that form an unintended and often an invisible barrier to equal opportunity. To all males or boys, you can they can work alongside women and girls to achieve gender equality and embrace healthy, respectful relationships. 5. funding educational campaigns to curb cultural practices like female genital mutilation and change harmful laws that limit the rights of women and girls and prevent them from achieving their full potential.
Section 76. I’d continue to spread awareness on this section on social media, at my school and in the wards within which I work. I’d make sure all ghetto youths in my community know of its existence and understands that it is their right to demand quality service.
If I was to choose a section in the Constitution it would be section 67 that speaks of every Citizen who is 18 has got the right to vote in any election and referendum. This background of the my province Bulawayo facing losing 6 constituencies made me come up with an initiative called ActionedVoters where I mobilise 15 women every Wednesday to go register at ZEC so we save our constituencies. So this would encourage equal participation for young people the electoral processes. What I’m hoping is to widen the reach to other peri urban place so we look forward to the elections.
14. Empowerment and employment creation. 1. The State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must endeavour to facilitate and take measures to empower, through appropriate, transparent, fair and just affirmative action, all marginalised persons, groups and communities in Zimbabwe.
In response to a question on knowing the constitution of Zimbabwe. I would choose section 77 on the citizens right to food and water. In that regard I would engage the parliamentary portfolio committee on Health and Child Care as well as the government task force on COVID-19 and make oral submissions on the impact of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition in the country. I would also make urgent calls to action for the government to ensure that instead of disbursing insufficient grants they provide food hampers to affected families.
Section 81 The Rights of Children. Children’s rights need to be protected especially when we are faced with cases of early childhood marriages. In 2016 the CC of Zimbabwe ruled that child marriages are unconstitutional. As a photographer, i intend to use my skills in whistle blowing cases of child marriages in Manicaland.
Chapter 2 section 19. The state should ensure that children are protected from any form of maltreatment,neglect or any form of abuse. I feel like nothing is being done to ensure that children are safe. For example the current story about Memory Machaya who got married at a young age and also denied her right to good health. People actually left her to die because of their beliefs. That is the violation of all the children’s rights and no one has the guts to stand up to these people so that they can stop these monstrous beliefs that are actually claiming the lives of our future presidents, ministers as well as entrepreneurs. If it was up to me,i would ensure that no child gets married before the age of 19. I would also come up with educational facilities that would educate church leaders on the importance of education for these kids. Come up with campaigns against child marriages and beliefs that violate the Constitution.
If I were to pick 1 section of the constitution that would be section 81 that concerns children. With this section I would ensure that the marginalised communities where children are at most risk of being exploited are made aware of what the law says on child protection and also ensure that children are protected.
Section 21 on children I think the government must do more to protect children at all times. Anyone found abusing children must face the full wrath of law and must be arrested and be treated in the same manner rapists or murderers are treated. As adults it is also our duty to protect the children fully and anyone who murders children for ritualistic purposes must be given a harsh jail sentence and face full wrath of law.
Section 67 Political rights. Zimbabwean citizens have the right to free and fair elections as per constitution and this is in contrast to what exactly has and is happening in Zimbabwe. There has been series of violent elections since time immemorial and a lot of bloodshed. If given the chance I will advocate for the rights of the people including the right to life during election times.
Section 3 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe is very important to me Founding Values and Principles. I feel like this Section defines the backbone or the root of the Constitution. There are impressive aspects like good governance, separation of powers and rule of law which are very fundamental in any democratic state like Zimbabwe. I like section 3 more because it also stipulates about the aspect of free and fair elections which should prevail in Zimbabwe like what we have witnessed on our Neighbor State Zambia where there was a very smooth transition of power. It also advocates for the rights of disabilities which are usually neglected as far as the aspects of protection is concerned. So i love Section 3 because it have almost every aspect found and expanded later in the Constitution. I would champion Section 3 by making it in motion, conducting workshops with judges and magistrates who are the interpreters of the law, so that when they are conducting their work they should give section 3 adequate life it deserves.
Section 6(1) of the Constitution officially recognises 16 languages namely, Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda and Xhosa. I believe in Zimbabwe everyone has the right to be recognized using his or her tribal language, this section tells us that everyone is equal it doesn’t make any language superior than the other.
My take is on Section 219 which deal with the Police Service. Lawlessness impacts negatively on us as a nation. Section 219(1) talks of one of the roles of the Police Service as that of protecting and securing the lives and property of the people. This does refer to all the people without any bias or stereotyping. Part (3) speaks of non-partisanship on the execution of its duties. Non-partisanship entails that no member / officer identifies him/herself with a particular political party. Then and only then can we have a truly professional Police Service.
If I were to pick a one section from the constitution, I’d pick either section 19(Children) and 20(Youths) As an aspiring journalist and filmmaker who advocates for young people, I’d create short films which address the issues which are affecting young people in society that is sexual abuse of minors, drug and substance abuse, unemployment, mental health among others.
I would pick Section 75: Right to Education. I would advocate for equal access to online teaching and learning through: Awareness campaigns about the existing discrepancies on access to online learning in Zimbabwe; Facilitation of online teachers’ training programs; Lobbying for smart gadgets and affordable internet access to disadvantaged learners and teachers
Section 81 of the Zimbabwean constitution states that every child has right to education, right to name, right to surname also and all children are equal in the eyes of the law. It protects children from economic and sexual exploitation, from child labour, and from maltreatment, neglect or any form of abuse. This can be amplified maybe through campaigns and outreaches especially to remote areas.
I would pick section 26(b): The state is obliged to make sure that no child is pledged in marriage. Child pledging is one of the harmful cultural practices. Therefore, to deal with this evil practice I would do a child advocacy campaign to raise awareness on this issue especially with the other recent harmful cultural practice of child marriage which has resulted in the child’ s death in the Marange area.
I would choose section 56 of Zimbabwe amended no 2013 ….which talks about equality and non discrimination. I choose this section because it governs the everyday order of the society. It fights and protect the dignity of individual, and makes sure there is equality regardless of gender, marital status, age, disability and also ethnicity.
If I am to advocate for the rights enshrined in the constitution I would pick section 83 (f), that is the right to State funded education for persons with disabilities. In line with this, I would advocate for the right to State funded education especially to children with disabilities because most children with disabilities do not go to school mainly because they cannot afford those private schools which specifically cater for their particular disabilities. So I would advocate for the State to ensure that children with disabilities enjoy their right to education in mainstream schools to avoid future stigmatism. I am all for inclusive education.
Driven by the Constitution that says ‘Right to education’ Every child has the right to get good quality and affordable education but really saddened by some apostolic sect that promote early marriages and this situation the Government and Civil groups must take a close eye and put an end to this.
Section 26. The state must take appropriate measures to ensure that a. Marriage is entered into with the full consent of the intending spouses. b. No children are pledged into marriage. This section is important to Zimbabwean due to the fact that this limit or give fear in the name of the jail to take children into marriage and this also give a girl child or a boy child to finish their basic education. This also reduced poverty as it is said that if they get basic education they would be able to make sound decision and those decision include making a decision on how to use available resources to survive. This also allows a girl child to pave their way to a bright future as they continue with their studies and this reduced their concentration on child bearings hence this reduces poverty as there will be less suffering children in the country.
Section 7. I would advocate for teaching of constitutional provisions and civic roles from grade 1 level and volunteer in any organisation that advances the dissemination of constitutional knowledge to the citizenry.
Section 83 (Rights of persons with disabilities) is important to me as a woman living with one. Disabilities can be seen or unseen. Some are born with differences, and as in my case, they can happen and come along at any time in life. Quality of life not only means within my own personhood and mental health, but within the macro-environment. This means the government must ensure that the points in s83 are actively protected and actioned. We still have a long way to go – you can literally count government and public buildings that have disability access. Section 83 (d) is especially important during Covid times, where health facilities are strained; there is need for training and compensation of health care workers who can assist persons with psychosocial support for persons with special needs on top of disabilities with chronic effects. The administration can also focus on the improvement of rehabilitation facilities for persons with disabilities, including things such as signage.
Section 51 – The Right to Human Dignity : Especially the rights pf Minoriry and Indigenous Peoples of Zimbabwe (IMPs) That this group of citizens be treated with all dignity as provided for by the constitution e.g. the Khoi San, VaDoma, Shangani, Barwe, etc.
If I were to pick the most important provision of the Constitution it would be the right to education because education gives you access to better living standards no matter who you are or where you come from. I would champion the right to education by spearheading innovative ways in which digitalization and technology could help improve access to education for disadvantaged children. I would also research into creative ways through which children and adults could learn more about the world outside the constraints of assigned classroom routines. The right to education is guaranteed in Section 75 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
The section of the Constitution that matters to me is 59 – which states that, “Every person has the right to demonstrate and to present petitions, but these rights must be exercised peacefully”. And should be done willingly not being forced to do so.
From my own point of view section 77 of the Constitution is under massive threat that is the right to food and water especially in this pandemic. According to this provision every person has the right to safe, clean and potable water and sufficient food and the government has got a responsibility to ensure everyone has access to these. Recently there have been cases in Epworth where water marshals are asking for sexual favours from women in order for them to access water and in Harare clean water has always been problematic since there are little to no water purification chemicals. This therefore deprives residents of this fundamental right. In certain residental locations such as Hatcliffe, water is only accessible once a week and the water is not even clean or safe. In terms of sufficient food, I believe the new PVO Act is actually depriving certain good samaritans from providing food for those in need and yet the Constitution is saying the people have these rights.
I will choose 56 Equality and non discrimination. We are all equal person with disability or women and men, races black or white. Its promotion peace and love among ourselves
If I were to champion a Constitution Chapter of Zimbabwe, I would definitely champion Chapter 13: Institutions to Combat Corruption and Crime. I would raise awareness campaigns against corruption especially since I am a high school student,I would set an Anti Corruption Desk where students would report any form of Corruption secretly and only an assigned group of students and teachers would view those letters and report the crimes to the nearest police station.Examples of Corruption activities that students can report are headmaster’s asking for an extra fee so that your child can get admitted at their schools. A teacher abusing a student and issue not being reported to the police because maybe that teacher will threaten to make that student fail in her exams.
Section 77(a) is the right to clean portable Water…Because I know the people deserves to know …I have hunted the whole channel of the service providers…regulators. and Administrative authorities expose them to public scrutiny by giving their comments as organizational representatives…people will decide accordingly.
I would champion Section 2 of the Constitution which talks about the supremacy of the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Any law, custom or practice which is not in tandem with it, is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency. This section is the most imperative section among them all because it gives prowess and power to the constitution to be supreme to any other Acts of Parliament. I would champion this section by raising awareness campaigns through NGOs to advocate for the supremacy of the Constitution.
As a Zimbabwean I think I should express my wish towards people with disabilities, because in our society me see lot of then not going to school. No information to them some a being rejected bcz most of the ppl the undermine this people. Most of our bus terminal we don’t have toilet for them. For me I think I have to educate myself and others about this important issue, by talking to people with disabilities.
I would Champion Section 56 of the Constitution which talks about the RIGHT TO EQUALITY AND NON DISCRIMINATION. This section entails that all Zimbabwean Citizens are equal regardless of gender, status, political affiliation or any other fora. There should be equal treatment of people at hospitals or any administative organisations. People should not discriminate abinism or other people who have any defects or disabilities. I would recommend that politicians, notably, MPs to spread the message of equality and non discrimination to their respective constituencies.
I would choose section 73 of the Constitution and educate the people in my rural community (Vungu district, Midlands,Gweru) on their environme rights. The farming community there relies on natural water sources, grazing land and firewood on a day to day basis and they need to be educated on how to promote and protect their environmental rights within the community and to demand progressive realisation of these rights from the state.
Section 17: The Right to Education. Education being a fundamental baseline for means of survival in the modern world, it is thereof here in Zim also a fundamental Right that ought to muchly recognized and upheld. Each and every Zimbabwean despite age and societal status has the Right to Education as enshrined in section 17 of the Constitution of Zim. Though section 17 is too an important section in the constitution of our beloved country, the responsible ministries have of late failed to uphold this Right , with them failing to provide for mostly educational grants to students and bursaries for the underprivileged children throughout. Also the right to Education has been also of late derailed by the educators’ employers who failed to provide for decent salaries to the facilitators who end up downing tools therefore depriving the poor citizens their constitutional right. Lastly though some are failed promises,the gvt tried to recognize this fundamental Right in one of its national publication The Sunday mail paper of 23 December 2018 when it announced ,”FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL IN 2019,” and it gave a sigh of relief though it was short-lived and it never came to pass, alas we just pray that one day it shall be. Not forgetting the covid 19 pandemic it has also dainted this Right,education has also been greatly affected with the closure of institutions therefore denying the education population their constitutional right.
Section #65 Labour Rights-this is of great importance as most of the current labour force is getting into poverty as their rights are trampled upon. This is in cognisant of the current economic environment vis a vis the pandemic set up.
I have realized that both private and public workers are being underpaid and overworked. Their salaries are constantly eroded with inflation. Masters are exploiting them and salaries are below poverty datum line. However,Section 65(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that “Every person has the right to fair and safe labour practices and standards and to be paid a fair and reasonable wage”. To achieve this l was going to use the same constitution to encourage workers to form or join labour unions of their choice. Further to that l was going to use Section 65
(3) which reads: Except for members of the security services, every employee has the right to participate in collective job action, including the right to strike, sit in, withdraw their labour and to take other similar concerted action, but a law may restrict the exercise of this right in order to maintain essential services.
Section 48 – Everyone has the right to life. I believe that none should be beheaded as a way of punishment. The Death Penalty should be abolished, it is degrading and cruel. No two wrongs can make a right.
I would choose Sect 65 on Labour Relations. I would do take up an online class and facilitate on the Rights and Obligations of both employers and employees so as to improve work relations
Eg pertaining safety at work. I would lay a demand to employers to provide appropriate PPE then on th other hand press on the employees the mandate to make good us of the provided PPE.
I would champion section 20 on Youths, that states ” Youths should have opportunities to associate and to be represented and participate in political, social, economic and other spheres of life.”
This is something we are not actively seeing being practised as youths we are being represented by elderly people who can not accept that they no longer qualify to be youths. Therefore l would spread awareness to youths, so that they actively get involved in such spheres, reclaiming their positions. This will be done through various social media campaigns, mass education etc.
Section 75. Right to education Every citizen and permanent resident of Zimbabwe has a right to-a. b. a basic State-funded education, including adult basic education; and further education, which the State, through reasonable legislative and other measures, must make progressively available and accessible.
Section 20 The Right of the Youths. For a fact the constitution is the supreme law of the country as such the right of the Youths should be observed and adhered to by everyone to ensure that the youths are fully exposed to the necessary platforms, institutions and connected with the authorities especially in marginalized areas through dissemination of necessary information to provide awareness without discrimination. I believe the youths are the true future leaders as such this section should be highly prioritised and given necessary education and training to carpacitate and empower them by whatever means possible especially in this Covid era which is proving to be stressful and straining especially in remote and marginalised communities since not everyone is well off to cope with digitalisation.
Section 52 everyone has a right to person security which includes right to bodily and psychological intergrity which is the right to freedom from all forms of violence from public or private sources not to be subjected to medical or any scientific experiment without their informed consent.
Environmental rights, section 73. I would champion this constitution right in line with the covid 19 restriction measures by 1.having an online Sunday teaching on the topic (cleanliness is nearer to Godliness) touching on the need to have clean water, garbage free environment and a nutritional garden and orchard for healthy food. 2. online exposure to the constutution booklet as well as to kubatana newsletters so as to enjoy the competitions their on know your constitution about the environment. 3. online teaching on the need to help avoiding ozone layer depletion that has since affected so much on weather and climate changes.
Through my organization I would choose section 264 on devolution. So as to popularized the concept to ensure that my community and beyond know about devolution and how best to hold accountable those in power.
Section 48 of the Constitution, Right to life. This section I would champion it because, there is no important right than the right to life which makes us capable or acts as a contingent to enjoy all other rights. This right is very sacrosanct because the right to life needs to be preserved at all costs. I would champion this right by giving free access to medical personnel which will enable all citizens to have adequate health care facilities which then uplift our Life expectancy as a Nation thereby uphelding the right to life as expressed in Section 48 of the Constitution.
Section 76. I will spread awareness in all my WhatsApp groups. As an upcoming health worker I will educate all my clients about their right to healthcare. I will also use social media to post about the constitution and the #KnowYourConstitution Campaign.
My favourite and dearest section of the Constitution is Section 76. As a health professional during my time as a student, I was exposed to the public health system in both urban and rural areas. I noted the lack of resources and personnel that make it hard for the average Citizen to access good medical attention. It is even more worrying that despite the Constitutional obligation, Zimbabwe is a signatory to the Abuja declaration on health system financing through our budget but a lot of foreign governments through aid cater for that. We need to start owning our health care system through adequately financing it and resourcing it with well remunerated personnel.
Section 206 every Zimbabwean has the right to live as equals in liberty ,peace and harmony free from fear and in prosiperity every person in this country must not be harassed must live his or her life free from fear of police brutality or those above us every person in this country has to be protected from such harm
If I were to choose the Constitional Act I would choose section 81: Right of Children. Childhood is the initial stage of an individual, because the mind is free, the things of childhood are the most important phase because they can affect a person’s relationship development. Therefore, at this stage of life and for a healthy childhood more care and education should be taken. Parental responsibility, physical health, child protection and playing plays an important role. All children deserve equal rights to grow up in a safe and healthy environment where their potential as citizens is realized. As children, they cannot speak for their rights and needs. They can not participate in political decision making for them. However, they can make a significant contribution to the development of society by ensuring children’s rights and implementing sound policies. Children have the right to a good standard of living, education and services, health and the right to play. These include school entrance, a balanced diet and a warm bed to sleep on. They also have the right to protection from neglect, abuse, discrimination and exploitation. Children also have the right to participate in activities, they have the right to use and participate in their programs and services. This includes decision making and participation in libraries. The constitional rights allow children to grow up healthy and free. This includes; freedom of speech, freedom of thought, fear, freedom of choice and decision making and possession over the body decision. In accordance to the constitional act every child has the right to a name and nationality. All children must be registered at birth. The child’s name, date of birth and parents’ names are recorded. A child has the right to be protected from all forms of punishment, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, position, family members. A Child has the right to freedom of religion expression or equality, but is sometimes restricted by his or her parents or legal guardians. For example, a child is not free to join a religion without parental intervention. It is good for the child, not because he has been deprived of his freedom of worship. A child has the right to live with his or her parents. However, if the situation is not conducive to a child, he may be separated from his parents. Such situations can be ignored or abused by parents or the separation of the parents, therefore the state must decide which parent is to live with the child. If the child has no parents, the state decides on a home or an institution where the child can live. In this case, the child does not have much to say about the choice of who to live with. Sometimes children flee their birth homes to live with their relatives or even live on the streets. This may be due to poverty or rebellion. The best interests of the child are first considered before the child is returned to his or her parental home. Children have the right to privacy. They are protected from attacks in their way of life, their names, families and homes. But their lifestyle can be invaded by their parents or guardians if it is in their best interest, for example if parents suspect that the child is involved in drugs or other illegal activities. Force them to search the child’s room or personal belongings. In conclusion, children have the right to participate in the decisions that shape their lives, and therefore they must be given the opportunity to express their own opinions. However, this right is exercised only in connection with the child’s maturity and best interests. Parents or guardians do not support all decisions a child makes for example, a child may not decide not to go to school. In the best interests of the child, the child will be forced to go to school.
Section 44 Fundamental human rights and freedoms. It is so sad that this section exist but all arms of government of Zimbabwe institutions are not following this be particular on freedom of expression. As we witness @Makomborero still in prison for expressing himself freely without fear or favour 🤷🏽♀️
If I were to pick one section of the constitution I would choose Section 81 which provides for the Rights of Children.As a Social Worker I have the responsibility of making children realise their right to education, healthcare services, nutrition and shelter through advocating for policies that make it conducive for the full realisation of these rights as well as sensitising the community so that they became aware about the rights of children.Children’s rights are human rights hence they have to be fulfilled. #Rights are indivisible and interdependent hence the full realisation of all children’s rights can not be left to chance.
I would choose Right to Education. I would make sure everyone gets free education from a tender age free of charge.
If I am to pick one section of the constitution to champion, it would be section 14 of Empowerment and employment creation and firstly for empowerment l would suggest young girls especially in the rural communities are career guided because they end up getting married not because they want or ready to but because they are not guided properly on how they should stand for themselves and be financially stable on their own this can be also applied to mature women Even in the cities they must be taught and guided properly to learn that they can stand on their own and even own property registered with their own names with or without their spouse help ….. for the employment creation l would suggest community projects for the rural communities especially where as they can start their agriculture and building projects to feed themselves and trade with other communities, in the cities l would suggest self employment where as young people can start their own small local businesses moreover on employment creation companies must be advised to openly advertise for any job vacancies for everyone to see and fair employment must be done within these companies.
As a father to a baby girl I would like to champion Section 78 of the Constitution and stop early child marriages. My line of works is human rights monitoring so I will be working with women’s organizations to raise awareness and dispel cultural and religious myths around gender based violence and sexual abuse.
Section 6 of the Constitution talks about Zimbabwean Official Languages. This section should be championed because, its merely hypothetical than in practice. It seems as if Shona, Ndebele and English are the only official languages in Zimbabwe, yet Tswana, Venda and Xhosa are also inclusive as far as official languages are concerned. Zimbabwe should take a progressive realisation of enabling other languages to dominate in the press to give a fair equilibrium to every platform or fora. This Section if fully implemented, acts as a contingent in which the right to freedom of expression and communication should be enjoyed to full capacity. There should be great advocacy through civil society groups to give life to section 6 of the Constitution. The Government should provide a plethora of radio and Television stations which give full coverage to other official languages like Ndau and Tswana. Various workshops with whistle blowers and lobby groups should be conducted on the ways in which Section 6 should be made in motion, not just to exist in paper as a rhetoric brutum fulmen.
Section 20,which has youths at its core will be the section I will pick to champion. I will make sure that every person who is a youth to be given the introduction to it, at an early age, so that they internalise it
Marriage Rights Section 78 (2) provides that no person should be forced into marriage. I would choose section 78 because despite the right being fully provided for in the Supreme Law of the Land, young girls and boys are forcibly married. I would lobby government to align the constitution with subsidiary legislation in order to eliminate loopholes that may be manipulated by perpetrators. I would also advocate for the age of consent for marriage to be 18 as provided for by the constitution. There is also need to sensitize people with religions and cultures that perpetuate forced marriages and marriage of young girls. There is also need for a firm stand from government to abolish such churches and severly punish perpetrators who violate people’s liberties especially those that can not consent to the decisions made on their behalf.
Section 75: The right to education. Education should be free to everyone because not everyone can afford the fees. No child should be left behind.
If l were to pick one section of the Constitution to champion it would be Section 22: Persons with disabilities. I believe that this section is the most important for me because it brings other aspects of the Constitution into play which include children, food security, health services, education, elderly people, social welfare and shelter. Everyday l walk the streets of Harare l see disabled people begging for money on the sidewalks and it’s heartbreaking. Some are blind, deaf, dump and cannot walk. Some of them would have kids leading the way be it on the sidewalks or roads and most times it would be a whole family consisting of the father, mother and children and you would find that both the mother and father are disabled so what it means is that these children are not going to school which then touches on Section 27: Education and Section: 19: Children. In the streets the beg for money to survive meaning it’s their only livelihood strategy. Now imagine how they had to survive during the Covid 19 pandemic lockdown. Their children get fewer opportunities because they lack proper education and all forms of development as a resulting of spending time in the streets begging. They will have fewer employment opportunities when they become youths. Some of the people begging in the streets are disabled elderly people which touches on Section 21: Elderly persons. Section 21: Chapter 2b states that the state is to provide facilities, food and social care for elderly persons who are in need. I would champion this section on persons with disabilities because it touches on so many aspects of the Constitution and to do that l would bring more awareness through campaigns especially on social media because we are living in a digital era. Communication about social issues through banners and posters does not work anymore because as youth we are Keen on technology. Create social media accounts be it WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter etc and get people to engage and talk about it, get the conversation going so that people understand some of the stuff that the people we are talking about go through. If possible create foster systems so that these children get proper care and develop as well, it’s a long short but with enough people that are willing to sacrifice their time for the greater good anything is possible. A loud enough conversation can yield results. Engage the government to foster social organisations that are aimed at promoting and improving the quality of life of people in need. Rome was not built in a day but brick by brick the task was completed. Zimbabwe needs more old people’s homes where the elderly disabled people can go to and get the proper care they deserve. My contribution would be to bring more awareness about the issue, get people talking and hopefully get results because something needs to be done!
Section 49 Right to personal liberty. Every person has a right to liberty,which includes the right – (a) Not to be detained without trial ; and (b) not to be deprived of their liberty arbitrarily or without just cause. It is important to me for my personal liberty as enshrined in our constitution and for development and peace at large in the country. I would champion it by engaging relative authorities like the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Courts of Zimbabwe.
I think every zimbabwean should know Section 17 which is about Gender balance and emphasises equality regardless of gender. This section states that the State must promote full gender balance in Zimbabwean society, and in particular–a. the State must promote the full participation of women in all spheres of Zimbabwean society on the basis of equality with men; b. the State must take all measures, including legislative measures, needed to ensure that both genders are equally represented in all institutions and agencies of government at every level; and Civil service recruitment. It must also ensure that women constitute at least half the membership of all Commissions and other elective and appointed governmental bodies. c. the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must take practical measures to ensure that women have access to resources, including land, on the basis of equality with men. The State must take positive measures to rectify gender discrimination and imbalances resulting from past practices and policies. This every Zimbabwean should know that everyone is equal and shall not be discriminated because of gender. This is very important because in our patriarchal society men were regarded as stronger and more capable of so much more than women. It is of utmost importance that people through awareness campains are educated of this section of the Constitution.
Section 81, Right of Children. I’d start with awareness campaigns via social media and within the community that I live through casual day to day conversations . I’d facilitate peer to peer education to ensure sustainability that this right can be passed on from on child to another. That the children in our community may know their rights and claim them from the duty bearers without fear but rather with responsibility!
As a Zimbabwean citizen i would champion section 46 (1)(C) of the Constitution which stipulates about the approach which the courts must adopt when interpreting statutes. It gives a peremptory obligation to the courts to take into account international instruments to which Zimbabwe is a party. This implies that international covenats, treaties and all binding agreements automatically acts as a contingent to which every interpretation of municipal statues is concerned. This approach will hamonise all legal instruments in advancing human rights locally and internationally. Some international instruments like Universal Declaration of Human Rights, CEDAW have attained a statues of customary international law which makes them part and parcel to any democratic state like Zimbabwe. As a Zimbabwean citizen this section should be championed through varies aspects like advocacy, campaigns and implementation of this provision to its maximum realisation.
I would like every citizen of Zimbabwe to know Section 19 which relates to Children. This section adresses that the State must adopt policies and measures to ensure that in matters relating to children, the best interests of the children concerned are paramount. The reason why I feel it is important for every Zimbabwean to know is that as of recent there are so many cases of maintenance and custody as well as guardianship in courts. Parents then must know that whatever decisions the courts must make, they must be in best interest of the child. Parents must also ensure that children are provided for and that they have all their needs. This is an important section to the nation and everyone should be taught about it through social media and all other platforms.
If I could champion any section in the constitution of Zimbabwe I would definitely go for chapter 2 subsection 19 which deals with children and the rights given to them. If I were to champion for children rights what would I do ? Well firstly i will explain why I chose children’s rights. With everything that has been going on with the case of Anna Machaya who is one of many young female whose future is stolen from them and given away to elderly men on a silver platter I am enraged at the fact that our constitution is vague when it comes to this. What i would do is to firstly advocate for zero tolerance to child marriages. Under no circumstances should a child below the age of 18 be given away to someone as a wife promised or not
I am in support of the Section 56 of the Constitution whih speaks about the Equality and Non Discrimination. Section 56 of the Constitution provides that all persons are equal before the law and have the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Equality before the law means everyone is entitled to equal treatment by Court or equality in the legal process. This Section entails that all women and men have the right to equal treatment and contributing to, as well as benefiting through political, economic, cultural and social spheres. Every person has the right not to be treated in an unfairly manner because of their nationality, race colour and tribe.
Given a chance, I would like to advocate for Section 75 to be upheld. Despite the high literacy rates we have, there are particular religions that bar children from enjoying this right. There is need to sensitize religious leaders and parents on the importance of education. Poverty has also forced young children into working thereby diminishing their capacity to exercise this right. In addition, the prevailing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions has also affected most people’s ability to exercise this right. The global divide has also heavily affected students in rural who either have limited access to internet or do not have financial and material resources to learn online. This calls for lobbying government to take the necessary action to ensure that every child enjoys this right.
If I were to choose a section of Zimbabwe’s constitution, it would be 281. This is very important because the institution of traditional leadership has been very partisan since the colonial period. I would urge traditional leaders to treat people under their jurisdiction in a fair and non-partisan manner. Their influence allows them to constructively engage both politicians and their subjects to desist from the use of violence as a political tool come. I will also tell them that the onus is on them to do what is best for their people, and not to be influenced to discriminate against them on the basis of political affiliation. Thank you.
I would choose section 65 of the constitution. I would have wanted to see changes on how workers contributions to pensions are handled. As a worker it pains to note that someone contributes towards pension but after retirement you get nothing. Section matters to me very much because of late workers rights are being violated eg command vacation, slavery wages and the right to demonstrate, strike is no longer accepted in Zimbabwe. Today workers are poorer than workers in 1921 in terms of welfare and status. Section 65 affects matters most because I am a worker and I am leading a miserable life thanks to the prevailing conditions. Many workers going on retirement are getting very low packages or nothing. Section 65 matters if only government was enforcing the act rather than violating the beautifully crafted legislation.
Section 57 Right to Privacy is very fundamental as far as protecting people’s rights is concerned. This right entails that people’s communications should not be infringed by anyone even the State. Zimbabwean Citizens should have freedom from mass surveillance and cersoship through internet interuptions and various data capturing. This right should be preserved by everyone and must be enjoyed by every citizen regardless of gender or status. This should be championed by advancing human rights which makes people aware or their rights and challenge all human rights infringement in the local Courts.
Section 72. Agriculture is the backbone of our economy in Zimbabwe. Going from one community to another teaching them on how important is our agricultural land with the aid of examples from their day to day economic activities then print pamphlets n leave them with people with the guide lines to conserve their land. As many people are got involved especially those who occupy higher positions in the community eg councils would be exited about it n they would post to others who occupy highest positions than them.
The Constitution through Section 65 stipulates about Labour Rights.These rights should be respected by employers when handling their employees at work. The Constitution buttressed that every person have a right to clean and safe labour practices which is tantamount to say that every employee should be protected while conducting his/her work. This can be attained by wearing of protective clothing in cases of industrial work, other shielding regalia or standards which might emanates therefrom. The Constitution made it crystal clear that employees should be remunerated a fair and reasonable wage for their labour force. It is therefore imperative to highlight that a wider connotation should be adopted when interpreting this provision. The aspect of reasonableness is not that of a perverse, over scrupulous or too finicky, but it is construed in the average reasonable person with normal sound and senses. From the foregoing, this provision should be championed with full force and support to give it the tap roots it deserves, in a bid to feed all labour force grievances and protection in Zimbabwe.
I would make people know about section 53 which states – Freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The section clearly states that ‘No person may be subjected to physical or psychological torture or to cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment’ It is regrettable that Zimbabwe has not adopted or ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. There is need for serious lobying so that government ratifies this Convention.
If I am to pick one section of the Constitution to champion it is section 81 which is titled Rights of Children. The section firstly defines a child as every boy or girl under the age of eighteen. The rights include right to be given a name, provision of a birth certificate, right to parental care and to be protected from economic and sexual exploitation, child labour neglect and abuse.
Right to education, health care services. Right not to take part in a political activity. Not to be detained and only detained as a measure of last resort and not to be mixed with detained persons of over eighteen. The courts also protects the rights children and High Court is the upper guardian of children. I would conscientize the community especially opinion leaders such as village Heads, chiefs, councillors and not forgetting Church leaders to respect and uphold rights of children especially girl child who is married of to older people against her will. I also inform these leaders through the use of print or electronic media and also organise road shows if resources permit. I will also get in touch with Z R Police victim friendly unit so that they organise meetings with parents, guardians, teachers, health care workers and the children. I will also inform political leaders not to use children under the age of 18 to take part in political activities such as recruiting them and using them for campaign purposes. This is very essential as we count down to the 2023 elections. I will also tell guardians, parents not to hesitate approach the courts should they encounter problems regarding children as the High Court is regarded as the upper guardian. I will also encourage school dropouts under 18 to enroll and continue their education through formal and non formal schools in their communities.
Section 56 of the Zimbabwean constitution talks about protection ,equality and promotion.Protect and promotion of the rights of women,men,boys and girls in Zimbabwe .It also states the equality of everyone when it comes to law. In this case, everyone is equal and has an equal right to protection and the benefit of the law… Sex or sexual orientation doesn’t matter, all persons are just equal according to section 56. The reason why I pick this section is because I understand in Zimbabwe we need liberty in the political, social, economic and environmental spheres but that can’t be achieved without equality “without equality, I say, there can’t be liberty”- Harold Laski
Section 68 of the Zimbabwean Constitution (Amendment No 20) Act 2013 stipulates about the Right to Administrative Justice. This provision is very imperative when interpreted in its wider connotation. This entails that all admimistrative conduct should be prompt, fair and reasonable in a democratic state. The state should provide progressive realisation mechanisms to advance this right in its entirety. Every employee who have a legitimate expectation should be provided with reasons thereof, if there are any contrary arrangements. Services which are offered at the office of the Registrar of Birth and Passports should be very efficient and corruption have became cancerous in those organisations, replicating and piggybacking unprecedentedly. The provision however is not elegantly written, it is gabbled, it is gibberish as far as its literal interpretation is of concern. The aspect of reasonableness should have been described meticulously. Regadless of it being marinated with repugnance, reasonableness is not that of a perverse, over scrupulous or too finicky, but it is that of an average person with normal sound and senses. Having said the above, it is recommended that the state should advance the wider approach to the interpretation of section 68 and various whistle blowers and lobby groups should advocate for its life which have, since time immemorial been in comatose and needs rejuvenation.
I would select Section 78 Marriage Rights of the Zimbabwean Constitution sub section (2) that speaks: No person may be compelled to enter marriage against their will. I am strongly advocating against child marriages therefore publicly I would embark on awareness raising campaign engaging traditional, church leaders and community members to raise awareness to ending child marriages in their respective domains. The campaign will be designed to make prevention as a universal personal responsibility and create a collective movement that ultimately contributes to larger social change. The campaign will mobilize and connect with family members,. Friends, neighbors and larger community and local authorities to stand against child marriages.
I greatly support and wish to move for the rights of arrested and detained persons provided for in terms of Section 50 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. I believe that the rights of arrested and detained persons is very crucial for the society at large to be aware of. This is because in out daily lives more than 50 people are arrested or detained per day I different provinces which means that 50 percent of the Zimbabwean population find themselves at the mercy of the law each day. Therefore the need to realize and bring to awareness of this right is crucial to avoid unlawful arrests and inhuman and degrading treatment of detained persons. This is because irregardless of the charges both alleged and convicted of a person. They still possess human rights and so if anyone in our society is found wanting under the law, they ought to be aware of what the law says about their rights inorder to raise a reg flag when there is a violation. Knowledge is power.
Considering that Zimbabwe remains largely untaped as far as civic engagement is concerned – language is on of the challenges for the marginalised and disenfranchised population groups. Most information from the government is delivered in the English language , thus acting a barrier to access and understanding for other population groups. With regards to political Development and ELECTORAL processes, there is need for Development of ELECTORAL materials and ballot papers in all languages, including sign language. This will promote secrecy of the ballot and free elections.
I’m in support of Section 76 of our Constitution of Zimbabwe – The right to Health Care. It is essential for one to fully enjoy their right to health. I support that the Health care must be available, accessible, acceptable and of good quality. Every Citizen and Permanent Resident of Zimbabwe has the right to access basic health-care servies, which include reproductive healthcare services. Every person living with a chronic illness has a right to have access to basic healthcare services for the illness. No person must be refused emergency medical treatment in any healthcare institution. The State must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within the limits of the resources available to it, to achieve the progressive realisation of the rights set out in this section of the The Constitution. The right to Health-care in the Constitution means that any person can now claim their right to health-care if they are in the situation provided within this Section, and the Government has to take positive steps to make sure that everyone will eventually be able to enjoy access to health-care and must put in place policies, resources and laws for the right to basic health-care.
#KnowYourConstitution Reloaded – Competition Responses
Democracy | Analysis and Comment | Human Rights | Our Campaigns | Women
As a follow on to our wildly popular #KnowYourConstitution campaign, Kubatana ran a follow up campaign asking members what section of the Constitution they think every Zimbabwean should know and why, and also what section of the Constiutiton they would champion, and how. Read some of what our members had to say below, get more at #KnowYourConstitution on Twitter, and check out some of the great pictures from the competition here.
My favourite section is Section 56 of the constitution.It talks of equality and non discrimination before the law is of great importance as it solves issues that were there before. People were treated differently on the basis of sex ,gender, race religion and culture. It also helps to promote peace because an environment were everyone is treated equally is favorable for everyone to thrive and live in harmony with each other and it also lessens conflicts and promote unity.
I think the Zimbabwe Constitution section that should also be highly addressed is Section 20. Young people should have a mindset paradigm shift and realise we already have the power and responsibility to lead the nation. Leadership is not a power seat, it’s the affirmative action we take everyday …even when no one is looking! When we interact with family, friends and the community, is what we are saying and doing building towards our dream nation or is it destroying even the very foundation?
This section below must be known with every citizen of Zimbabwe. because people are being abused and harrassed by the police because they are not aware of this readings. Once one know, corruption will be less: 219.Police Service and its functions.
I think that every Zimbabwean should know section 8 of the constitution that states that the state must put in place measures to combat corruption and abuse of power and that they must work hard to uncover and expose these things. This is because I think that it is important fir every Zimbabwean to know that those in power are actually legally OBLIGATED to do these things and that it is a crime if they do not them. Yes they are morally obligated but also legally obligated.
Section 77 of the Zimbabwean Constitution Right to food and water states that a)every person has the right to safe, clean, potable water and b)sufficient food. Zimbabweans need to know this constitution because a lot of children are suffering from mulnutrition and also in Harare almost every location has no safe and clean water to drink and people are ending up buying safe water.
Section 74 of the Zimbabwe Constitution freedom from arbitrary eviction states that No person may be evicted from their home, have their home demolished, without an order of court made after considering all the relevant circumstances. Zimbabweans should know this constitution because a lot of tenants are being evicted from their homes by their so called landlords without or with minimum notice. To add more a lot of houses are being destroyed without the owners consent or knowledge.
Section 73 is one of the Sections of the Constitution that I think ever Zimbabwean should know because it is also a facilitator of other rights such as the right to health. Everyone has the right to prevent pollution and the degradation of the environment, as climate change is the most pressing international human rights issue. Climate change is one of the greatest threats we face. If we do not act now, the results will be catastrophic. Failure by the Zimbabwean government to put legislative and other measures to protect the environment, International Human Rights will hang on a precarious plane. Climate change impacts in an already fragile country can push people past the tipping point into a maelstrom of political instability. Climate change can also accelerate food insecurity and economic weakness.
Subject to the Constitution, every Zimbabwean citizen has the right to form, to join and to participate in the activities of a political party or organisation of their choice. The right to campaign freely and peacefully for a political party or reason; to participate in peaceful political activity and to participate, individually or collectively, in gatherings or groups or in any other manner, in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the Government or any political or whatever cause.
I think all Zimbabweans should be aware of the “Environment rights section” in the Constitution of Zimbabwe. I think in order for people to be good stewards of the Environment, they need to be aware of what freedom they have when using the Environment as well as what responsibility they have in taking care of the Environment. I also think that in Zimbabwe, currently our natural resources such as diamonds are being exploited because people are not aware of what rights they have on their environment and what responsibility they also have. In order for us, as a country to meet one of the 17UN sustainable goals which states that Reduction of global warming by 30% by 2030 it will only take our efforts as responsible citizens to know our environmental rights and responsibilities.
I think that every Zimbabwean should know section 57 of the constitution that says that “every person has the right to privacy.” When I was growing up in my street vanhu vaigara vachibirwa and I remember even takatombobirwa as well, vaizongoisa havo maburglar bar but zvinhu zvatoenda and no one would even report kumapirisa. After I read this section of the constitution I realised there are no boundaries. People cannot just enter someone’s residency vongoba zvinhu zvevanhu that they have worked hard for. And matresspassers no matter how much people would say hapana nzira vanhu vanongo ramba vachipfura. You would find kids vachivhura mabin, peeing muma yard evanhu. Kozoti vaye who go through someone’s phone without their permission that is also a violation of section 57. Arrests must be made, restraining orders filed and perpetrators dealt with accordingly and also I think having neighbourhood watch groups would also help
Everyone must know section 65 on labour rights. Section 65 which protects labour rights is of significance and matters most to the writer as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (no.20) act, 2013. The Provisions of section 65 has elucidated and made it unambiguously clear on the importance of these labour rights in the employment relationship as it creates a health employer-employee relationship. In the pre-existence of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (no.20) act, 2013, employees were jeopardized and prejudiced of their labour rights by employer through unfair labour practices and standards which includes but not limited infringing employees’ freedom of association, discrimination and unsatisfactory working conditions.
The section which all Zimbabweans and other person(s) must know section 65
The right to vote. Under section 67 (3) of the Constitution, “every Zimbabwean citizen who is of or over 18 years of overage has the right to vote in all elections and referendums” and section 155(2) (b) declares “The State must take all appropriate measures, including legislative measures” to ensure that every eligible citizen has an opportunity to vote. Paragraph 1(2) of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution allows the Electoral Law to stipulate residential requirements, but only “to ensure that voters are registered on the most appropriate voters roll” not to prevent them from being registered at all. This section is very crucial to every citizen of Zimbabwe because it is the choice of every citizen to choose whoever they want to represent their interests at all levels of government. Voting is essentially a manner in which an individual asserts his/her place in society. Citizens must be educated about the right to vote and urged to partake in every election for their interests to be represented and it also helps in the decision-making process of the nation where every citizen participates in elections.
Every person has the right to safe, clean and potable water. Every person has the right to sufficient food; and the State must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within the limits of the resources available to it, to achieve the progressive realisation of these rights. Every Zimbabwean citizen must know this section because it must be to every citizen’s knowledge that the state must provide clean water and food for it’s citizens. Knowing this section empowers citizens to hold the state accountable for it’s failure to provide clean water in cities and villages. Many people are starving to death because of hunger in Zimbabwe, equiped with this section one must be empowered to confront the responsible authorities for the availability of these basic needs.
Section 3: Right to govern is derived from the people. Zimbabwean come to an extent that they ignore voting during an election , not knowing that right to suffrage is their fundamental right.Power is driven by the will of the people😊. But people turn to be ignorant because sometime voting is made worthless due the abnormality caused by practises such as vote rigging, intimidation during election runoff making the elections fraud.
I think the section that every Zimbabwean should know is section 76, the right to basic health care. Most people remain ill because they are not aware that as citizens or permanent residents of Zimbabwe they have the right to basic health care, reproductive and emergency medical care. Many people have lost their loved ones to sicknesses that could have been dealt with just because they couldn’t get the much needed necessary assistance from the health facilities.
Section 78(2) of the Constitution provides that no person can be compelled to enter into a marriage against their will. I believe every Zimbabwean should know this section in the Constitution because some young children are being brainwashed to the extent of not knowing their own rights as a child they should know they have a choice to say no to some of the believes being taught which will be against their rights anyone below the age of 18 years is a child, and the Constitutional Court has confirmed that marriage with children under 18 years is prohibited.
I think every Zimbabwean should know of section 78 of the constitution which talks of marriage rights. Given the backdrop of the social media outrage on the death of Memory Machaya a married 14 year old of the Apostolic sect, it is important for Zimbabweans to understand that child marriage is illegal. The constitution gives a right to found a family to someone who has attained the legal age of majority which is 18. The section under subsection 2 also provides that noone is supposed to be compelled into marriage against their will. We find that most girls in different religious sects are unaware of the protection awarded to them by the constitution and do not even complain when these things happen because it looks normal to them.
Section 70: RIGHTS OF ACCUSED PERSONS. This is the section that i think every Zimbabwean should know. Anyone can be accused of any offence and at any time and anywhere therefore every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section so that human rights of the accused person are not enshrined. Every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section so that if you are being accused of an offence you should be given enough time and facilities to prepare a defence and also to know that you are innocent until proved guilty, this therefore enable a person to take time and make research so as to make evidence based defence. Zimbabweans should know that they have the right to choose a legal practitioners although it will be at their own expense but should be represented by that legal practitioner, in some cases most people in rural areas and in peri-urban areas are not aware of this and they normally fail to have and to be represented by the legal practitioner therefore their rights have no one to defend them. Zimbabweans should know about this section so that they be present when being tried this therefore means that all the process and the dates for trial should be clearly announced. Section 70 (j) Highlights that: To have the proceedings of the trial interpreted into a language that they understand, this therefore means that Zimbabweans have the rights to be trialed with the Language that they understand especially vulnerable groups such as women, the elderly and Persons with disabilities for instance in this case sign language should be used to interpret for an accused deaf and dump persons. Moreover, this is elaborated on the same section 2(a) which states that information must be given in a language that the person understand and if he or she can not read or write any document the information must be explained clearly in such a way that the person understand. This sections is also supported by section 6 which highlights the 16 officially recognised languages of Zimbabwe. Therefore, all Zimbabweans should be educated so as to be knowledgeable about section 70 of the constitution. Section 70 part 5 (a) states that Any persons who has been tried and convicted of an offence has the right, subject to reasonable restrictions that be prescribed by law to – have the case reviewed by a higher court or (b) appeal to higher court against the conviction and sentence. All Zimbabweans should know about this section so that if they are satisfied with the sentence they can still apeal to higher court for review so that every trial is tried free and fair without breaking the law or enshrine the human rights of the accessed persons. Therefore, All Zimbabwean should be knowledgeable about this section. Zimbabweans should be educated about this section through Radio discussions, and it the information should be also shared on Social media such as Whats App, Twitter and Facebook. Education about this section can also be done through conducting community outreaches especially in rural areas where it is difficult to use social media.
Section 90 of the Constitution, Duties of President: The President must uphold, defend, obey and respect this Constitution as the supreme law of the nation and must ensure that this Constitution and all the other laws are faithfully observed. The President must promote unity and peace in the nation for the benefit and well-being of all the people of Zimbabwe; recognise and respect the ideals and values of the liberation struggle; ensure protection of the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the rule of law; and respect the diversity of the people and communities of Zimbabwe.
The most important section for me in the Constitution is section 81 which speaks to the rights of Children. People are always of the view that children have rights, but to a greater extent Children do not have a voice which stands out for them. I think we have a dilemma that when dealing with children, we are mainly focused on those who are in the urban area, but what of those in rural areas. Who is able to stand up for them and with them? Many children are not able to attend schools, are being abused and many of them are being forced into working whilst underage so that they have food in their stomachs. What I’m also passionate about is that they are restricted many health care services mainly because of their religious affiliations. Are children supposed to suffer because of their parents decisions? Many are subjected to early marriages because that is what is expected of them. Many are not being given sufficient resources such as contraceptives because we still turn a blind eye to the fact that children below even the age of 12 years are indulging in sexual activities. I think it’s high time we stand for the children. Providing educational seminars and lessons to both children and adults so that they know the importance of their rights. Also by making our environment child friendly so that the children have a safe environment to tell us what it is they need assistance with. Having unbiased opinions. And seeing that the world is changing. Opening up clinics that provide children with health care resources. Making sure that their needs are met. Trying by all means to hold seminars in the rural areas because those people are usually sidelined. Therefore is it important that the child start having a voice of their own.
While the l believe the entire supremacy of the constitution, my chosen section of the constitution which l will & believe to be a must recite & need for everyone to grasp would be Part 2 (Fundamental rights & freedoms). This is because it is the essence of our laws, the cherishing of the citizen, his aspirations & humanity and the purpose & intent to let them fruition in the supreme law.This section celebrates the basic needs of the citizen while capping it with what he’s entitled to to realise full citizenry through spelling out a standard. I would translate this into all official languages in Zim & make sure our educational curriculum incorporates Constitutionalism as a compulsory subject from Grade 1.I’d also make sure everyone who employs is mandated to give his employee a copy of the constitution & whoever goes to Registrar generals office for birth, death, marriage certificate gets a summarised copy of the Constitution for free.
If I were to choose one of the constitution that will be Section 75: Right to education. Education is fundamental to human rights and Zimbabwe as a nation. I believe that the right to education for all children should be fundamental. All children, regardless of culture or nationality, should be given equal opportunities to reach their full potential. Everyone needs education. Education plays a key role in the education of a generation that contributes to the development of virtuous and good people. Thanks to right to education, a person can develop mentally, physically and socially. Education for young people is important to help them develop life principles, make the right professional decisions, and prepare to achieve life’s goals. I firmly believe that a good and even regular education is an inalienable right. Education is a right, not a privilege. Education is the best way to improve the lives of children and alleviate poverty. Knowledge also enhances the freedom and authority of individuals. Although there are some challenges to implementing free and compulsory education, this can be overcome by improving teaching hours or changing learning infrastructures. In conclusion for education to be a meaningfully right it must be available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable to everyone be it young, adult, male, female and even disabled in accordance to the constitutional act.
I choose Section 6 which recognizes 16 languages as official languages of this land. This enforces the state and government agencies as well as public institutions to ensure that all these languages are recognized and treated equally. Now, sign language is part of these 16 languages yet it is hardly considered as one. Public institutions such as The Zimbabwe Republic Police, Clinics and hospitals have not capacitated their works forces to effectively communicate with people with hearing impairments. This failure to treat sign language as an official language sadly lays a strong foundation for the violation of multiple human rights: 1. Section 29 mandates the state to ensure that no person is denied emergency medical treatment at any health institution. But here is the problem, imagine a deaf person who needs to emergency medical attention fails to get it simply becuase if communication barriers, no health officials trained to effectively communicate using sign language. There is a huge problem. 2. The ZRP is key and central in eliminating crimes in our community. If a girl with hearing impairment is sexually abused, rushes to the local police station and fails to getting help simpli because the police officers can not help communicate effectively in sign language🤦🏻♂️. Here is what I would do: a) Short term – Partner with sign language training institutions to train Policer officers at local stations to become proficient in sign language. b) Long term – Lobby for policy amendment and ensure that is becomes mandatory for police officers to get sign language training during their 6 months recruitment training. This also applies to all ministries.
Section 65 —Labour Rights. This is the section of the Constitution that i think every Zimbabwean should know. Reasons are: In Covid season most of Zimbabweans have lost their jobs due to lockdown measure, therefore there is a huge trend of unfair and unsafe labour practices that are happening in the Labour sector and many people can not complain since there is fear of losing the available job. But Zimbabweans should know that every person has the right to fair and safe labour practices and standards and to be paid a fair reasonable wage. Zimbabwean should be aware that they are allowed by the Constitution to form and join trade unions and employee or employers’ organisations of their choice and to participate in the lawful activities of those trade unions and organisation. Most Zimbabwean are not fully informed about this Part of the constitution and many are afraid to form or join trade unions because they think its political. However every Zimbabwean should be aware of this section of the constitution. Part 3 of this section highlights rights of employees such as the rights to strike, sit in withdraw their labour but in most cases due to lack of enough knowledge about this part of the section employees in Zimbabwe are forced to work even if they want to withdraw or strike. In some cases of the employee is not happy or he or she strikes they are normally expelled from that job unwillingly there his or her rights would have been violated therefore it is important for every Zimbabwean to be aware and to be knowledgeable about this section of the constitution. This section promotes Gender equality in part 6 which states that women and men have a right to equal remuneration of similar work therefore women should not be vulnerable as employees the salary should be the same for similar work with men .This section is also supported by section 17 which talks about Gender Balance and it is also supported by section 80 of the constitution which talks about the Rights of women therefore every Zimbabwean should know about section 65. Every Zimbabwean should know that constitutionally women employees have a right to fully paid maternity leave for a period of 3 months. In most cases the rights of women are normally violated when they not allowed to go for the maternity leave or if they go they are not fully paid and due to fear of losing their jobs women are not complaining but their rights are being violated. Therefore, it is very important for every Zimbabwean to know about section 65.
Right to Education which is highlighted in section 75 of the constitution of Zimbabwe matters to me. Especially during this pandemic era the government should really consider this section. Since section states that every citizen has a right to basic state funded education including adult basic education. Due to the ongoing pandemic which requires e-learning, access to education as a right has been highly affected. The government is mandated to provide this right through state funding. The government is failing to mobilize resources needed for e-learning hence, depriving children from their right to education.Most disadvantaged children are those from the rural areas since they are located in remote areas. They are having difficulties in accessing e-resourse to learn online. There is need for interventions so that all children will have equal access to education despite being in a pandemic era.
I choose #Section80 – Rights of Women. Every woman has full and equal dignity of the person with men and this includes equal opportunities in political, economic and social activities. August is the Women’s Month and South Africa just celebrated it’s Women’s Day on the 9th of Aug and while I acknowledge the strides made in Zimbabwe to emancipate women I also feel the need to highlight there still more hurdles to jump. Issues pertaining to: child marriages – because of religious beliefs and poverty; maternal mortality – because some religions don’t go to hospitals, our health system is broken and some households cannot afford to go to hospitals; menstrual hygiene – girls and women cannot afford pads monthly to an extent that some use cow dung; education – there is a huge school drop out of girls transitioning from primary to secondary level because of poverty and marriages. Charity organisations, communities and families should push the government to implement equal access to enjoyment by both girls and boys, women and men of socially valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards.
If i were to pick one section of the Constitution it would be section 81 based on children’s rights. I would make sure its implemented through media education. Knowledge about the media, their impact and their functioning should be imparted in schools at all levels. Students should be enabled to relate to and use the media in a participatory manner, as well as to learn how to decode media messages, including in advertising.Good experiences in some countries should be made available to others.
Given a chance, I would gladly champion Section 22 of the Zimbabwean Constitution (2013) on Persons with disabilities. With the country already in the election cycle and heading towards the 2023 elections. I feel its the right time to advocate for disability inclusion as well as addressing constraints and challenges persons with disabilities constantly face when exercising their democratic rights. This is the time to prepare and address issues of accessibility of voting material and information given that people are already registering to vote in the next coming election. The sharing of voter registration information should be inclusive and accessible in print, audio, braille and as well as being communicated in sign language. It is also high time that persons with disabilities be included as election supporting staff and that braille and print ballot papers get to be used thus addressing the issue of assisted voters.
Section 70 : Rights to accused persons. I have noted with concern that most accused persons are abusively arrested and ill treated and this goes unnoticed because they think that is what is supposed to be done. I would like to raise awareness on this section so that accused persons are aware of their rights and unlawful arrests can be put to an end. I would also proceed to start an program for inmates especially those who are on remand on their rights and privileges and other pieces of legislation entitled to them. I will also come up with a support system and reporting mechanisms for these unlawfully arrested, so that witnesses or relatives maybe arrested to seek justice for the accused. This will also hold the ZRP accountable for their actions and seek to remove fear from the public of the ZRP from a police force view to a police service view which stands for the people.
If I were to champion a section of the Constitution I would champion section 57 of the constitution which promotes our right to privacy. This section prohibits the entry into our premises, homes and other property without our permission. It further protects me as an individual not to be searched or my premises to be searched, my possessions again can’t be seized. What makes me joyous is that my communication and other correspondence can not be tampered with and issues about my health can’t be publicized without my prior consent. If I am to champion the awareness of this section, I will use song and dance, poetry and drama. In drama I would have plays whereby people who infringe upon other people’s privacy are arrested, tried and sentenced. Those who have a penchant of talking about other people’s health are also arrested, tried and sentenced and in some cases counseled with the aim of bringing an awareness of the provisions of this section.
If I were to pick a section from the Constitution I would pick Section 81. Firstly, I would pick this to promote constitutionalism on the Rights of Children in the wake of gross violation of their rights – for instance, the case of the 14 year old girl who died while giving birth at a shrine in Marange. Secondly, I would pick this section to raise awareness of development rights in relation to education amid the COVID-19. Thus, I would advocate for the government to improve on access to digital technology and internet to remove urban-rural digital divide.
If I were to pick one section of the Constitution, it would be section 81 (3) to remind the judiciary that the Constitution places the High Court as the upper guardian of ALL children in Zimbabwe hence courts should only act in the best interests of children in all their pronouncements. Children like Memory Machaya, who lost her life to negligence by duty bearers, need the courts to fully protect them. Letting perpetrators of abuse get away with fines and community service does not promote the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
Section 73: Environmental rights. I strongly believe that environmental right are a prerequisite to basic human survival. If the environment is clean, replenished and managed in a sustainable manner, it become safe for it’s inhabitants firstly humans, then wildlife. Rights are interdependent, inseparable and interrelated hence environmental rights have backward, forward and cross cutting linkages with other basic human rights. For example, a clean and safe environment will increase the chance of human living a good quality of life that allows them time and opportunity to pursue other rights such as rights to education, access to information and right to privacy. It’s only when you are alive and healthy that you can pursue other rights and a clean and safe environment increases chances of surviving and thriving. What I will do: Public education through writing is my first port of call. Through peer review articles, I can make the public and policy makers become familiar with environmental information with empirical evidence.
Section 20: Violence against Women. 1) information dissemination – Disseminate crucial information on women’s rights and what the law’s stance on violence. This can be done through: A road shows; B radio jingles; C awareness campaigns; D the use of posters and banners. 2. Proper counseling services which are meant to support men. The services meant to offer mental health care lessons for man that are abusive. 3. offer toll free numbers for tip off of violence against women. 4. Encourage girls, to stay in school, and fight for their right to access sexual and reproductive health services. To woman, can address unconscious biases and implicit associations that form an unintended and often an invisible barrier to equal opportunity. To all males or boys, you can they can work alongside women and girls to achieve gender equality and embrace healthy, respectful relationships. 5. funding educational campaigns to curb cultural practices like female genital mutilation and change harmful laws that limit the rights of women and girls and prevent them from achieving their full potential.
If I was to choose a section in the Constitution it would be section 67 that speaks of every Citizen who is 18 has got the right to vote in any election and referendum. This background of the my province Bulawayo facing losing 6 constituencies made me come up with an initiative called ActionedVoters where I mobilise 15 women every Wednesday to go register at ZEC so we save our constituencies. So this would encourage equal participation for young people the electoral processes. What I’m hoping is to widen the reach to other peri urban place so we look forward to the elections.
In response to a question on knowing the constitution of Zimbabwe. I would choose section 77 on the citizens right to food and water. In that regard I would engage the parliamentary portfolio committee on Health and Child Care as well as the government task force on COVID-19 and make oral submissions on the impact of COVID-19 on food security and nutrition in the country. I would also make urgent calls to action for the government to ensure that instead of disbursing insufficient grants they provide food hampers to affected families.
Chapter 2 section 19. The state should ensure that children are protected from any form of maltreatment,neglect or any form of abuse. I feel like nothing is being done to ensure that children are safe. For example the current story about Memory Machaya who got married at a young age and also denied her right to good health. People actually left her to die because of their beliefs. That is the violation of all the children’s rights and no one has the guts to stand up to these people so that they can stop these monstrous beliefs that are actually claiming the lives of our future presidents, ministers as well as entrepreneurs. If it was up to me,i would ensure that no child gets married before the age of 19. I would also come up with educational facilities that would educate church leaders on the importance of education for these kids. Come up with campaigns against child marriages and beliefs that violate the Constitution.
Section 21 on children I think the government must do more to protect children at all times. Anyone found abusing children must face the full wrath of law and must be arrested and be treated in the same manner rapists or murderers are treated. As adults it is also our duty to protect the children fully and anyone who murders children for ritualistic purposes must be given a harsh jail sentence and face full wrath of law.
Section 3 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe is very important to me Founding Values and Principles. I feel like this Section defines the backbone or the root of the Constitution. There are impressive aspects like good governance, separation of powers and rule of law which are very fundamental in any democratic state like Zimbabwe. I like section 3 more because it also stipulates about the aspect of free and fair elections which should prevail in Zimbabwe like what we have witnessed on our Neighbor State Zambia where there was a very smooth transition of power. It also advocates for the rights of disabilities which are usually neglected as far as the aspects of protection is concerned. So i love Section 3 because it have almost every aspect found and expanded later in the Constitution. I would champion Section 3 by making it in motion, conducting workshops with judges and magistrates who are the interpreters of the law, so that when they are conducting their work they should give section 3 adequate life it deserves.
My take is on Section 219 which deal with the Police Service. Lawlessness impacts negatively on us as a nation. Section 219(1) talks of one of the roles of the Police Service as that of protecting and securing the lives and property of the people. This does refer to all the people without any bias or stereotyping. Part (3) speaks of non-partisanship on the execution of its duties. Non-partisanship entails that no member / officer identifies him/herself with a particular political party. Then and only then can we have a truly professional Police Service.
I would pick Section 75: Right to Education. I would advocate for equal access to online teaching and learning through: Awareness campaigns about the existing discrepancies on access to online learning in Zimbabwe; Facilitation of online teachers’ training programs; Lobbying for smart gadgets and affordable internet access to disadvantaged learners and teachers
I would pick section 26(b): The state is obliged to make sure that no child is pledged in marriage. Child pledging is one of the harmful cultural practices. Therefore, to deal with this evil practice I would do a child advocacy campaign to raise awareness on this issue especially with the other recent harmful cultural practice of child marriage which has resulted in the child’ s death in the Marange area.
If I am to advocate for the rights enshrined in the constitution I would pick section 83 (f), that is the right to State funded education for persons with disabilities. In line with this, I would advocate for the right to State funded education especially to children with disabilities because most children with disabilities do not go to school mainly because they cannot afford those private schools which specifically cater for their particular disabilities. So I would advocate for the State to ensure that children with disabilities enjoy their right to education in mainstream schools to avoid future stigmatism. I am all for inclusive education.
Section 26. The state must take appropriate measures to ensure that a. Marriage is entered into with the full consent of the intending spouses. b. No children are pledged into marriage. This section is important to Zimbabwean due to the fact that this limit or give fear in the name of the jail to take children into marriage and this also give a girl child or a boy child to finish their basic education. This also reduced poverty as it is said that if they get basic education they would be able to make sound decision and those decision include making a decision on how to use available resources to survive. This also allows a girl child to pave their way to a bright future as they continue with their studies and this reduced their concentration on child bearings hence this reduces poverty as there will be less suffering children in the country.
Section 83 (Rights of persons with disabilities) is important to me as a woman living with one. Disabilities can be seen or unseen. Some are born with differences, and as in my case, they can happen and come along at any time in life. Quality of life not only means within my own personhood and mental health, but within the macro-environment. This means the government must ensure that the points in s83 are actively protected and actioned. We still have a long way to go – you can literally count government and public buildings that have disability access. Section 83 (d) is especially important during Covid times, where health facilities are strained; there is need for training and compensation of health care workers who can assist persons with psychosocial support for persons with special needs on top of disabilities with chronic effects. The administration can also focus on the improvement of rehabilitation facilities for persons with disabilities, including things such as signage.
If I were to pick the most important provision of the Constitution it would be the right to education because education gives you access to better living standards no matter who you are or where you come from. I would champion the right to education by spearheading innovative ways in which digitalization and technology could help improve access to education for disadvantaged children. I would also research into creative ways through which children and adults could learn more about the world outside the constraints of assigned classroom routines. The right to education is guaranteed in Section 75 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
From my own point of view section 77 of the Constitution is under massive threat that is the right to food and water especially in this pandemic. According to this provision every person has the right to safe, clean and potable water and sufficient food and the government has got a responsibility to ensure everyone has access to these. Recently there have been cases in Epworth where water marshals are asking for sexual favours from women in order for them to access water and in Harare clean water has always been problematic since there are little to no water purification chemicals. This therefore deprives residents of this fundamental right. In certain residental locations such as Hatcliffe, water is only accessible once a week and the water is not even clean or safe. In terms of sufficient food, I believe the new PVO Act is actually depriving certain good samaritans from providing food for those in need and yet the Constitution is saying the people have these rights.
If I were to champion a Constitution Chapter of Zimbabwe, I would definitely champion Chapter 13: Institutions to Combat Corruption and Crime. I would raise awareness campaigns against corruption especially since I am a high school student,I would set an Anti Corruption Desk where students would report any form of Corruption secretly and only an assigned group of students and teachers would view those letters and report the crimes to the nearest police station.Examples of Corruption activities that students can report are headmaster’s asking for an extra fee so that your child can get admitted at their schools. A teacher abusing a student and issue not being reported to the police because maybe that teacher will threaten to make that student fail in her exams.
I would champion Section 2 of the Constitution which talks about the supremacy of the Constitution. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Any law, custom or practice which is not in tandem with it, is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency. This section is the most imperative section among them all because it gives prowess and power to the constitution to be supreme to any other Acts of Parliament. I would champion this section by raising awareness campaigns through NGOs to advocate for the supremacy of the Constitution.
I would Champion Section 56 of the Constitution which talks about the RIGHT TO EQUALITY AND NON DISCRIMINATION. This section entails that all Zimbabwean Citizens are equal regardless of gender, status, political affiliation or any other fora. There should be equal treatment of people at hospitals or any administative organisations. People should not discriminate abinism or other people who have any defects or disabilities. I would recommend that politicians, notably, MPs to spread the message of equality and non discrimination to their respective constituencies.
Section 17: The Right to Education. Education being a fundamental baseline for means of survival in the modern world, it is thereof here in Zim also a fundamental Right that ought to muchly recognized and upheld. Each and every Zimbabwean despite age and societal status has the Right to Education as enshrined in section 17 of the Constitution of Zim. Though section 17 is too an important section in the constitution of our beloved country, the responsible ministries have of late failed to uphold this Right , with them failing to provide for mostly educational grants to students and bursaries for the underprivileged children throughout. Also the right to Education has been also of late derailed by the educators’ employers who failed to provide for decent salaries to the facilitators who end up downing tools therefore depriving the poor citizens their constitutional right. Lastly though some are failed promises,the gvt tried to recognize this fundamental Right in one of its national publication The Sunday mail paper of 23 December 2018 when it announced ,”FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL IN 2019,” and it gave a sigh of relief though it was short-lived and it never came to pass, alas we just pray that one day it shall be. Not forgetting the covid 19 pandemic it has also dainted this Right,education has also been greatly affected with the closure of institutions therefore denying the education population their constitutional right.
I have realized that both private and public workers are being underpaid and overworked. Their salaries are constantly eroded with inflation. Masters are exploiting them and salaries are below poverty datum line. However,Section 65(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that “Every person has the right to fair and safe labour practices and standards and to be paid a fair and reasonable wage”. To achieve this l was going to use the same constitution to encourage workers to form or join labour unions of their choice. Further to that l was going to use Section 65
(3) which reads: Except for members of the security services, every employee has the right to participate in collective job action, including the right to strike, sit in, withdraw their labour and to take other similar concerted action, but a law may restrict the exercise of this right in order to maintain essential services.
I would choose Sect 65 on Labour Relations. I would do take up an online class and facilitate on the Rights and Obligations of both employers and employees so as to improve work relations
Eg pertaining safety at work. I would lay a demand to employers to provide appropriate PPE then on th other hand press on the employees the mandate to make good us of the provided PPE.
I would champion section 20 on Youths, that states ” Youths should have opportunities to associate and to be represented and participate in political, social, economic and other spheres of life.”
This is something we are not actively seeing being practised as youths we are being represented by elderly people who can not accept that they no longer qualify to be youths. Therefore l would spread awareness to youths, so that they actively get involved in such spheres, reclaiming their positions. This will be done through various social media campaigns, mass education etc.
Section 20 The Right of the Youths. For a fact the constitution is the supreme law of the country as such the right of the Youths should be observed and adhered to by everyone to ensure that the youths are fully exposed to the necessary platforms, institutions and connected with the authorities especially in marginalized areas through dissemination of necessary information to provide awareness without discrimination. I believe the youths are the true future leaders as such this section should be highly prioritised and given necessary education and training to carpacitate and empower them by whatever means possible especially in this Covid era which is proving to be stressful and straining especially in remote and marginalised communities since not everyone is well off to cope with digitalisation.
Environmental rights, section 73. I would champion this constitution right in line with the covid 19 restriction measures by 1.having an online Sunday teaching on the topic (cleanliness is nearer to Godliness) touching on the need to have clean water, garbage free environment and a nutritional garden and orchard for healthy food. 2. online exposure to the constutution booklet as well as to kubatana newsletters so as to enjoy the competitions their on know your constitution about the environment. 3. online teaching on the need to help avoiding ozone layer depletion that has since affected so much on weather and climate changes.
Section 48 of the Constitution, Right to life. This section I would champion it because, there is no important right than the right to life which makes us capable or acts as a contingent to enjoy all other rights. This right is very sacrosanct because the right to life needs to be preserved at all costs. I would champion this right by giving free access to medical personnel which will enable all citizens to have adequate health care facilities which then uplift our Life expectancy as a Nation thereby uphelding the right to life as expressed in Section 48 of the Constitution.
My favourite and dearest section of the Constitution is Section 76. As a health professional during my time as a student, I was exposed to the public health system in both urban and rural areas. I noted the lack of resources and personnel that make it hard for the average Citizen to access good medical attention. It is even more worrying that despite the Constitutional obligation, Zimbabwe is a signatory to the Abuja declaration on health system financing through our budget but a lot of foreign governments through aid cater for that. We need to start owning our health care system through adequately financing it and resourcing it with well remunerated personnel.
If I were to choose the Constitional Act I would choose section 81: Right of Children. Childhood is the initial stage of an individual, because the mind is free, the things of childhood are the most important phase because they can affect a person’s relationship development. Therefore, at this stage of life and for a healthy childhood more care and education should be taken. Parental responsibility, physical health, child protection and playing plays an important role. All children deserve equal rights to grow up in a safe and healthy environment where their potential as citizens is realized. As children, they cannot speak for their rights and needs. They can not participate in political decision making for them. However, they can make a significant contribution to the development of society by ensuring children’s rights and implementing sound policies. Children have the right to a good standard of living, education and services, health and the right to play. These include school entrance, a balanced diet and a warm bed to sleep on. They also have the right to protection from neglect, abuse, discrimination and exploitation. Children also have the right to participate in activities, they have the right to use and participate in their programs and services. This includes decision making and participation in libraries. The constitional rights allow children to grow up healthy and free. This includes; freedom of speech, freedom of thought, fear, freedom of choice and decision making and possession over the body decision. In accordance to the constitional act every child has the right to a name and nationality. All children must be registered at birth. The child’s name, date of birth and parents’ names are recorded. A child has the right to be protected from all forms of punishment, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, position, family members. A Child has the right to freedom of religion expression or equality, but is sometimes restricted by his or her parents or legal guardians. For example, a child is not free to join a religion without parental intervention. It is good for the child, not because he has been deprived of his freedom of worship. A child has the right to live with his or her parents. However, if the situation is not conducive to a child, he may be separated from his parents. Such situations can be ignored or abused by parents or the separation of the parents, therefore the state must decide which parent is to live with the child. If the child has no parents, the state decides on a home or an institution where the child can live. In this case, the child does not have much to say about the choice of who to live with. Sometimes children flee their birth homes to live with their relatives or even live on the streets. This may be due to poverty or rebellion. The best interests of the child are first considered before the child is returned to his or her parental home. Children have the right to privacy. They are protected from attacks in their way of life, their names, families and homes. But their lifestyle can be invaded by their parents or guardians if it is in their best interest, for example if parents suspect that the child is involved in drugs or other illegal activities. Force them to search the child’s room or personal belongings. In conclusion, children have the right to participate in the decisions that shape their lives, and therefore they must be given the opportunity to express their own opinions. However, this right is exercised only in connection with the child’s maturity and best interests. Parents or guardians do not support all decisions a child makes for example, a child may not decide not to go to school. In the best interests of the child, the child will be forced to go to school.
If I were to pick one section of the constitution I would choose Section 81 which provides for the Rights of Children.As a Social Worker I have the responsibility of making children realise their right to education, healthcare services, nutrition and shelter through advocating for policies that make it conducive for the full realisation of these rights as well as sensitising the community so that they became aware about the rights of children.Children’s rights are human rights hence they have to be fulfilled. #Rights are indivisible and interdependent hence the full realisation of all children’s rights can not be left to chance.
If I am to pick one section of the constitution to champion, it would be section 14 of Empowerment and employment creation and firstly for empowerment l would suggest young girls especially in the rural communities are career guided because they end up getting married not because they want or ready to but because they are not guided properly on how they should stand for themselves and be financially stable on their own this can be also applied to mature women Even in the cities they must be taught and guided properly to learn that they can stand on their own and even own property registered with their own names with or without their spouse help ….. for the employment creation l would suggest community projects for the rural communities especially where as they can start their agriculture and building projects to feed themselves and trade with other communities, in the cities l would suggest self employment where as young people can start their own small local businesses moreover on employment creation companies must be advised to openly advertise for any job vacancies for everyone to see and fair employment must be done within these companies.
Section 6 of the Constitution talks about Zimbabwean Official Languages. This section should be championed because, its merely hypothetical than in practice. It seems as if Shona, Ndebele and English are the only official languages in Zimbabwe, yet Tswana, Venda and Xhosa are also inclusive as far as official languages are concerned. Zimbabwe should take a progressive realisation of enabling other languages to dominate in the press to give a fair equilibrium to every platform or fora. This Section if fully implemented, acts as a contingent in which the right to freedom of expression and communication should be enjoyed to full capacity. There should be great advocacy through civil society groups to give life to section 6 of the Constitution. The Government should provide a plethora of radio and Television stations which give full coverage to other official languages like Ndau and Tswana. Various workshops with whistle blowers and lobby groups should be conducted on the ways in which Section 6 should be made in motion, not just to exist in paper as a rhetoric brutum fulmen.
Marriage Rights Section 78 (2) provides that no person should be forced into marriage. I would choose section 78 because despite the right being fully provided for in the Supreme Law of the Land, young girls and boys are forcibly married. I would lobby government to align the constitution with subsidiary legislation in order to eliminate loopholes that may be manipulated by perpetrators. I would also advocate for the age of consent for marriage to be 18 as provided for by the constitution. There is also need to sensitize people with religions and cultures that perpetuate forced marriages and marriage of young girls. There is also need for a firm stand from government to abolish such churches and severly punish perpetrators who violate people’s liberties especially those that can not consent to the decisions made on their behalf.
If l were to pick one section of the Constitution to champion it would be Section 22: Persons with disabilities. I believe that this section is the most important for me because it brings other aspects of the Constitution into play which include children, food security, health services, education, elderly people, social welfare and shelter. Everyday l walk the streets of Harare l see disabled people begging for money on the sidewalks and it’s heartbreaking. Some are blind, deaf, dump and cannot walk. Some of them would have kids leading the way be it on the sidewalks or roads and most times it would be a whole family consisting of the father, mother and children and you would find that both the mother and father are disabled so what it means is that these children are not going to school which then touches on Section 27: Education and Section: 19: Children. In the streets the beg for money to survive meaning it’s their only livelihood strategy. Now imagine how they had to survive during the Covid 19 pandemic lockdown. Their children get fewer opportunities because they lack proper education and all forms of development as a resulting of spending time in the streets begging. They will have fewer employment opportunities when they become youths. Some of the people begging in the streets are disabled elderly people which touches on Section 21: Elderly persons. Section 21: Chapter 2b states that the state is to provide facilities, food and social care for elderly persons who are in need. I would champion this section on persons with disabilities because it touches on so many aspects of the Constitution and to do that l would bring more awareness through campaigns especially on social media because we are living in a digital era. Communication about social issues through banners and posters does not work anymore because as youth we are Keen on technology. Create social media accounts be it WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter etc and get people to engage and talk about it, get the conversation going so that people understand some of the stuff that the people we are talking about go through. If possible create foster systems so that these children get proper care and develop as well, it’s a long short but with enough people that are willing to sacrifice their time for the greater good anything is possible. A loud enough conversation can yield results. Engage the government to foster social organisations that are aimed at promoting and improving the quality of life of people in need. Rome was not built in a day but brick by brick the task was completed. Zimbabwe needs more old people’s homes where the elderly disabled people can go to and get the proper care they deserve. My contribution would be to bring more awareness about the issue, get people talking and hopefully get results because something needs to be done!
I think every zimbabwean should know Section 17 which is about Gender balance and emphasises equality regardless of gender. This section states that the State must promote full gender balance in Zimbabwean society, and in particular–a. the State must promote the full participation of women in all spheres of Zimbabwean society on the basis of equality with men; b. the State must take all measures, including legislative measures, needed to ensure that both genders are equally represented in all institutions and agencies of government at every level; and Civil service recruitment. It must also ensure that women constitute at least half the membership of all Commissions and other elective and appointed governmental bodies. c. the State and all institutions and agencies of government at every level must take practical measures to ensure that women have access to resources, including land, on the basis of equality with men. The State must take positive measures to rectify gender discrimination and imbalances resulting from past practices and policies. This every Zimbabwean should know that everyone is equal and shall not be discriminated because of gender. This is very important because in our patriarchal society men were regarded as stronger and more capable of so much more than women. It is of utmost importance that people through awareness campains are educated of this section of the Constitution.
As a Zimbabwean citizen i would champion section 46 (1)(C) of the Constitution which stipulates about the approach which the courts must adopt when interpreting statutes. It gives a peremptory obligation to the courts to take into account international instruments to which Zimbabwe is a party. This implies that international covenats, treaties and all binding agreements automatically acts as a contingent to which every interpretation of municipal statues is concerned. This approach will hamonise all legal instruments in advancing human rights locally and internationally. Some international instruments like Universal Declaration of Human Rights, CEDAW have attained a statues of customary international law which makes them part and parcel to any democratic state like Zimbabwe. As a Zimbabwean citizen this section should be championed through varies aspects like advocacy, campaigns and implementation of this provision to its maximum realisation.
If I could champion any section in the constitution of Zimbabwe I would definitely go for chapter 2 subsection 19 which deals with children and the rights given to them. If I were to champion for children rights what would I do ? Well firstly i will explain why I chose children’s rights. With everything that has been going on with the case of Anna Machaya who is one of many young female whose future is stolen from them and given away to elderly men on a silver platter I am enraged at the fact that our constitution is vague when it comes to this. What i would do is to firstly advocate for zero tolerance to child marriages. Under no circumstances should a child below the age of 18 be given away to someone as a wife promised or not
Given a chance, I would like to advocate for Section 75 to be upheld. Despite the high literacy rates we have, there are particular religions that bar children from enjoying this right. There is need to sensitize religious leaders and parents on the importance of education. Poverty has also forced young children into working thereby diminishing their capacity to exercise this right. In addition, the prevailing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions has also affected most people’s ability to exercise this right. The global divide has also heavily affected students in rural who either have limited access to internet or do not have financial and material resources to learn online. This calls for lobbying government to take the necessary action to ensure that every child enjoys this right.
If I were to choose a section of Zimbabwe’s constitution, it would be 281. This is very important because the institution of traditional leadership has been very partisan since the colonial period. I would urge traditional leaders to treat people under their jurisdiction in a fair and non-partisan manner. Their influence allows them to constructively engage both politicians and their subjects to desist from the use of violence as a political tool come. I will also tell them that the onus is on them to do what is best for their people, and not to be influenced to discriminate against them on the basis of political affiliation. Thank you.
Section 57 Right to Privacy is very fundamental as far as protecting people’s rights is concerned. This right entails that people’s communications should not be infringed by anyone even the State. Zimbabwean Citizens should have freedom from mass surveillance and cersoship through internet interuptions and various data capturing. This right should be preserved by everyone and must be enjoyed by every citizen regardless of gender or status. This should be championed by advancing human rights which makes people aware or their rights and challenge all human rights infringement in the local Courts.
The Constitution through Section 65 stipulates about Labour Rights.These rights should be respected by employers when handling their employees at work. The Constitution buttressed that every person have a right to clean and safe labour practices which is tantamount to say that every employee should be protected while conducting his/her work. This can be attained by wearing of protective clothing in cases of industrial work, other shielding regalia or standards which might emanates therefrom. The Constitution made it crystal clear that employees should be remunerated a fair and reasonable wage for their labour force. It is therefore imperative to highlight that a wider connotation should be adopted when interpreting this provision. The aspect of reasonableness is not that of a perverse, over scrupulous or too finicky, but it is construed in the average reasonable person with normal sound and senses. From the foregoing, this provision should be championed with full force and support to give it the tap roots it deserves, in a bid to feed all labour force grievances and protection in Zimbabwe.
If I am to pick one section of the Constitution to champion it is section 81 which is titled Rights of Children. The section firstly defines a child as every boy or girl under the age of eighteen. The rights include right to be given a name, provision of a birth certificate, right to parental care and to be protected from economic and sexual exploitation, child labour neglect and abuse.
Right to education, health care services. Right not to take part in a political activity. Not to be detained and only detained as a measure of last resort and not to be mixed with detained persons of over eighteen. The courts also protects the rights children and High Court is the upper guardian of children. I would conscientize the community especially opinion leaders such as village Heads, chiefs, councillors and not forgetting Church leaders to respect and uphold rights of children especially girl child who is married of to older people against her will. I also inform these leaders through the use of print or electronic media and also organise road shows if resources permit. I will also get in touch with Z R Police victim friendly unit so that they organise meetings with parents, guardians, teachers, health care workers and the children. I will also inform political leaders not to use children under the age of 18 to take part in political activities such as recruiting them and using them for campaign purposes. This is very essential as we count down to the 2023 elections. I will also tell guardians, parents not to hesitate approach the courts should they encounter problems regarding children as the High Court is regarded as the upper guardian. I will also encourage school dropouts under 18 to enroll and continue their education through formal and non formal schools in their communities.
Section 68 of the Zimbabwean Constitution (Amendment No 20) Act 2013 stipulates about the Right to Administrative Justice. This provision is very imperative when interpreted in its wider connotation. This entails that all admimistrative conduct should be prompt, fair and reasonable in a democratic state. The state should provide progressive realisation mechanisms to advance this right in its entirety. Every employee who have a legitimate expectation should be provided with reasons thereof, if there are any contrary arrangements. Services which are offered at the office of the Registrar of Birth and Passports should be very efficient and corruption have became cancerous in those organisations, replicating and piggybacking unprecedentedly. The provision however is not elegantly written, it is gabbled, it is gibberish as far as its literal interpretation is of concern. The aspect of reasonableness should have been described meticulously. Regadless of it being marinated with repugnance, reasonableness is not that of a perverse, over scrupulous or too finicky, but it is that of an average person with normal sound and senses. Having said the above, it is recommended that the state should advance the wider approach to the interpretation of section 68 and various whistle blowers and lobby groups should advocate for its life which have, since time immemorial been in comatose and needs rejuvenation.
I greatly support and wish to move for the rights of arrested and detained persons provided for in terms of Section 50 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. I believe that the rights of arrested and detained persons is very crucial for the society at large to be aware of. This is because in out daily lives more than 50 people are arrested or detained per day I different provinces which means that 50 percent of the Zimbabwean population find themselves at the mercy of the law each day. Therefore the need to realize and bring to awareness of this right is crucial to avoid unlawful arrests and inhuman and degrading treatment of detained persons. This is because irregardless of the charges both alleged and convicted of a person. They still possess human rights and so if anyone in our society is found wanting under the law, they ought to be aware of what the law says about their rights inorder to raise a reg flag when there is a violation. Knowledge is power.
Considering that Zimbabwe remains largely untaped as far as civic engagement is concerned – language is on of the challenges for the marginalised and disenfranchised population groups. Most information from the government is delivered in the English language , thus acting a barrier to access and understanding for other population groups. With regards to political Development and ELECTORAL processes, there is need for Development of ELECTORAL materials and ballot papers in all languages, including sign language. This will promote secrecy of the ballot and free elections.
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