Women in Kenilworth, Bubi District Ward 19, have come together to form clubs for the purposes of harvesting thatch grass. The move by these groups of women is set to increase household income and contribute to improved livelihoods.
Bubi District is endowed with an array of natural resources which amass the potential to bring about local economic development. The resources include gold, nickel, copper, river sand, and broom grass. As a result of male domination in the mineral resource base; women in Bubi District have turned to a viable venture of collecting broom grass. This type of grass is used in making grass brooms which are a common household cleaning tool in both rural and urban households. The grass is harvested at its dry state and packed in bundles which are staked in silos.
Sizimisele Women’s club is an initiative that has turned to the lucrative broom grass project to enhance community benefit from locally available resources. The group, established in the year 2017 is made up of five members with the aim of improving household income. Sizimele has since established market linkages beyond the District as far as Bulawayo where they supply Shashe Market at USD$5 per bundle. The women boast of accomplishments such as livestock, scotch carts, and farming implement purchases. The venture has enabled the women to pay school fees and provide other basic necessities which they previously struggled to do.
Community benefit from natural resources is chief among the advocacy issues that Habakkuk Trust is assisting communities in Bubi District to tackle. Villagers, particularly women have bemoaned the lack of meaningful benefit from locally available resources.
Source: Habakkuk Trust