Contextual Assessment
Queues of citizens in Masvingo urban for basic commodities become the order of the day. Citizens are living in object poverty and with the present of COVID-19 it becomes a worst situation. Citizens are struggling to have a meal for a single day. Before the pandemic many citizens in Masvingo Province were into informal sector as many factories closed way back. Execution of COVID-19 regulations ban the operation of informal sectors was a huge blow to those who solely making a living in this sector. Enforcement of COVID 19 Regulations poses a threat to safety and security of rural women farmers who sell their produce as informal traders in urban areas. Some farmers are failing to transport their products due to limited transport as only ZUPCO buses are allowed to travel and others sell their products on streets with low prices.
Parliament conducted a public hearing meeting on the proposed amendment bill number 2 at Mucheke Hall. Social distancing was difficult to maintain, as citizens as there was a lot of stampede at the door as citizens especially youth need entrance and to be part of first 50 participants. Four groups of 50’s managed to participate although many people return home as they waited for long hours outside for other group to finish submit their views. Several people waiting outside the hall become impatient and start singing demanding to get entrance. Police later arrived and maintained order. Many participants alluded that the prosecutor general should go public interviews, no constitutional ministers should be reduced if not removed, the retirement age for judges should be reduced. The participants rejected the amendments although some of the participants doubted if their submission were going to be taken as there are due to the behavior portrayed by Honorable Dexter Nduna and Berta Chikwama. Participants were totally against the amendments.
Source: Masvingo Centre for Research, Advocacy and Community Development (MACRAD) Trust