The Combined Harare Residents Association joins the whole of Africa in commemorating Africa Day running under the theme ” Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development and Intensifying the Fight Against COVID 19 Pandemic.”The day come at a time when Zimbabwe is grappling with poor economic performance which have seriously impacted on service delivery.
Currently the City of Harare is failing to supply residents with clean, safe and potable water for domestic purposes a situation that is militating against the fight against COVID 19 pandemic.
The unavailability of water has seen residents converging at few water points breaking the social distancing guidelines.CHRA mourns the burning of democratic principles during the lock down period with the increase top down approach in decision making process.
The continued centralisation of power has seriously impacted our health delivery and the COVID 19 pandemic in Zimbabwe has seen the government taking over local authorities clinics.
Chra recommend the following:
- Urgent devolution of power in line and spirit of section 264 of the constitution
- Strengthening of local authorities through devolution
- Increased fiscal commitment on water and health sectors in the upcoming budget
- Open up spaces of participation and inclusion of citizens voice in local authorities and gvt decision making processes
Source: Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA)