The Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) in collaboration with the City of Harare today, Friday the 8th of May and yesterday Thursday the 7th of May 2020, conducted an Informal Traders Markets Tours. The tours targeted Lusaka Fresh Produce Market located in Highfields and Hatcliff Fresh Produce Market Located in Hatcliff. The Tours which were attended by Town Clerk Engineer Hosiah Chisango and various Department Heads at Town House, is part and parcel of VISET’s COVID-19 Comprehensive Informal Sector Response Initiative whose aim is to foster an inclusive approach in the curbing of the spread of COVID-19.
The initiative also seeks to ensure that VISET is better placed to (1) reach out to the right sectors and partners, (2) to engage health professionals and communities, (3) to supporting and sharing information with informal traders in a transparent manner to facilitate knowledge and action. The Departmental heads who attended the Tour included Mr Michael Chideme Director of Corporate Communications, Director of Housing Mr Addmore Nhekairo and the Director of Works Engineer Isiah Chawatama. The Town Clerk and Departmental Heads had a chance to interact with the leadership of the two markets who in the process made various suggestion on how the city fathers can work towards improving their working conditions during the COVID-19 inspired lockdown and after.
The Tours are expected to feed into VISET’s Decongesting of Mbare Musika Initiative whose aim is to support the development of Satellite Markets by immediately decongesting the Mbare Musika Vegetable Market to Satellite Markets closer to where people live along the routes that bring fruits and vegetables from the surrounding farms so that shoppers do not have to travel far, and thus reduce the chances of exposure to COVID-19 for themselves and others.
Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET)