The Combined Harare Resident Association has reached out to residents of Harare in the fight against COVID 19. Yesterday CHRA partnered Community Water Alliance in Glen View and Budiriro in a bid to curb the transmission of COVID 19 virus at community boreholes, and in the same vein today CHRA distributed liquid soap and sanitisers in Mabvuku Ward 19, 21 and 33.
The lifesaving intervention has received support from policy makers both at national and local level who have hailed the role CHRA is playing demonstrating its watchdog role and assisting communities.
Councillor Kunashe of Ward 33 Budiriro urged residents to maintain social distancing at community boreholes and wash hands with soap regularly to reduce chances of infection.
In Glen View Councillor Chidhagu of Ward 30 hailed CHRA on the intervention and further said, “we thank CHRA for advocating for human rights in Harare. As council we have failed to provide consistent water supply to residents and that is why we now have boreholes in our wards.”
Speaking of the initiative Water Committee Chairperson from Mabvuku Ward 19 Mrs Chireshe said, “As residents we appreciate and thank Combined Harare Residents Association for the initiative as it helps us to fight against contracting and spreading COVID 19.”
In Mabvuku Councilor Kufahakutizwi of Ward 19 said “besides the distribution of liquid soap and sanitisers, we thank CHRA for the Court action that has compelled the repair of community boreholes and deployment of water bowsers we were tired in the chambers on these issues.”
The interventions are part of CHRA broader strategy of fighting the ravaging COVID pandemic that has claimed 3 lives in Zimbabwe. Last week CHRA won a court case to compel the City of Harare and the Government to take concrete measures of ensuring water supply during the covid and lockdown period.
Members of Parliament who attended and supported the initiative are Honourable Machingauta (Budiriro), Honourable Chidhakwa (Mabvuku), Honourable Dinar (Glenview).
CHRA notes with concern the congestion at most community boreholes as potential risks of spreading the COVID 19 and urges resident to consistently wash hands with soap under running water for 20 seconds and to maintain social distancing of one meter to reduce the spread of covid 19.
Source: Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA)