Heal Zimbabwe’s Early Warning and Early Response Situation Room is monitoring how communities are reacting to the national lockdown which was announced by the President on the 27th of March, 2020. Below are some of the reactions recorded today, the 7th of April 2020:
Matebeleland North
Tsholotsho ward 5
In ward 5 community members stayed in their homes. At Sipepa shopping centre most shops were closed and there was limited activity.
Tsholotsho ward 1
Community members in Ward 1 took heed of the lockdown. There were no meetings in the wards although few people were seen in their fields.
Tsholotsho ward 3
Community members stayed in their homes. At Ngamo business centre, most shops were closed
Tsholotsho ward 4
In ward 4 community members stayed in their homes. There were no gatherings or meetings recorded in the ward. Most shops only opened in the morning and closed around 12pm
There was limited activity at Lupane centre. Although most shops were open, community members chose to stay in their homes.
People stayed in their homes today and those who were seen roaming around were arrested and instructed to pay fines. Police assaulted several people at Neshuro business centre for loitering at the business centre. Several shops were closed. A government task force comprised mainly with members from the Ministry of Health also conducted compliance checks at the business centre.
People are staying in their homes except for a few who are still seen moving around business centres. Police officers are also enforcing the lockdown by ordering some shops to close after 12pm.
People are complying and staying in their homes .However, in areas like Chinorumba, people have resorted to spending their day in their fields harvesting.
It was business as usual again today in ward 25 Silindani village as people continue with their day to day business. Members from the security services have not yet been seen at business centres enforcing the lockdown
In Chiredzi west ward 8 people are staying in their homes and there is limited activity at Makondo business centres. Police patrols have also helped in ensuring people are staying in their homes.
People are complying except for a few individuals who are gathering at homesteads to drink opaque beer.
Mashonaland West
People are complying by staying in their homes. Police and soldiers are enforcing the lockdown at business centres such as Kuwadzana. Shops are opening and emphasizing on social distancing as they are allowing only few customers inside at a time and providing sanitizers at shop entrances.
Most shops opened today at Magunje business centre. Most bars opened today though police were patrolling at the centre informing people to avoid gathering in groups
Today most people stayed in their homes. This was a great improvement from previous days. Community members from suburbs such as Chikonohono and Hunyani all stayed in their homes today. Members from the army and police were patrolling in their trucks enforcing the lockdown. Shops opened from 9am to 2pm.
People are staying in their homes, while village heads are also helping out enforcing the lockdown especially in ward 24 by discouraging community members from conducting social gatherings.
Village heads continue to enforce the lockdown in ward 2 by discouraging community members to conduct even church services. Several shops opened at 8am and closed around 2pm.Community members in Ward 2 Chibvura village stayed at home. However there will be gathering tomorrow as people will be attending a food aid distribution meeting.
Community members in Ward 31 Mutasa North stayed at home. All Supermarkets were open and all beer halls were closed. However, farmers in Honde Valley are the hardest hit because they have no market to sell their produce. Soldiers were today seen moving around areas such as Makunike, Mutasa DC and Hauna.
Community members in Ward 5 Manjengwa village stayed at home. All bars were closed except for shops that were open from around 0800hours to 17:00hours. Soldiers and Police were deployed around 15:00hours to enforce the lockdown and encouraged community members to stay at home.
Today there was a food distribution meeting in Chipinge South Ward 27, Chindukumire village. All shops were open from 09:00hours to 1800hours. All bars were closed although a few continued to sell alcohol .Police and soldiers were deployed around 09:00hours to enforce the lockdown.
Community members from Ward 7 stayed at home. All shops were open from 09: 00hours to 13:00hours. All bars were closed. Police and soldiers were deployed around 0800hours to 1800hours to enforce the lockdown and encouraged community members to stay at home.
Community members stayed at home. All shops opened from 09:00hours to 18:00hours. All beer halls were closed. Police and Soldiers were moving around encouraging everyone to stay home.
In ward 11 community members are complying with the lockdown. In ward 6 today, a driver who works at Pote supermarket was assaulted by soldiers. He was accused him for negligent driving.
Gokwe North
Community members are staying in their homes. Some community members were seen in their fields. Most shops were open.
Source: Heal Zimbabwe