After President Mnangagwa announced a 21 day lockdown for Zimbabwe, beginning Monday 30 March, we asked our members what they would miss most. Here are some of the responses we received via Twitter and WhatsApp
- Going out with friends 😭😭 and gym 🙆🏾🙆🏾
- Coronavirus
- Will miss hanging out with friends
- I will miss spending time at bar watching soccer
- Honestly I will miss my daily income. ED is just copy and paste of what CR has done, But no basic fundamentals in place. We in a very highly informal economy where we live from hand to mouth. Struggle continues
- Our livelihood informal traders we live hand to mouth might die well before corona contamination.
- Parting🍻🍻👙👙 with friends
- Will miss a lot of opportunities.. Business wise.. it means profits will be on halt. Jobs offer.. on halt.. Will also miss travelling.. shopping.. wedding events.. And worse i miss going to church service
- I’ll miss Kubatana newsletter
- I will miss my work and workmates
- Will miss to work since I am into informal sector. How will I make money in this lock lockdown..how will I cross borders to Zambia and South Africa since it where i take goods for resale and make profits.
- Church. Thats 5 weeks no Church
- My friends and Church
- Visiting vulnerable children and giving them support
- I will miss most the job vacancies alerts
- Will miss hanging out with friends walking freely up and down in my hood
- Cookout, Shopping
- I’m a Pastor and will miss ministering and serving congregants especially during this time of crisis. No Sunday and mid week services.
- I will miss doing my daily errands.
- Imagine not being able to sell your stuff. That’s my only source of living. I’m also going to miss my boyfriend😭😭. Its not easy. What if the most important people I won’t be seeing during the lockdown fail to make it. Its not easy. I will miss my bae and business.
- Church service
- During the lockdown i will miss going around town making a living #Talkmore
- I will miss free internet….and my girlfriend definitely
- I will miss parking my lorry outside buy n build waiting for those who need car hire..This was my daily work and source of income
- I will miss social life and church fellowship
- Will miss fishing
- Business environment
- I will miss going out, just sitting down in a restaurant and eating nice food. I will miss my Sunday ritual of going to a coffee shop, sitting in the sun and enjoying a cup of coffee while l read the Sunday papers. Last time l went out I was a bit nervous. Nervous about exposing myself to the virus, nervous about not knowing if I am safe from the virus. So in a way I miss going out but I am also glad the measures has been put in place. When this is all over, I won’t be nervous about going out anymore.
- Of course I will miss kubatana newsletter….I will miss my evening jogging routine, visiting family and friends and above all going to church.its gonna be a huge adjustment that needs discipline
- Will miss my friends, the outside adventures .its not easy to be holed up in the house for 3 weeks😞
- The freedom to go out as I please. Quarantine by choice is actually enjoyable whilst imposed quarantine makes you feel like a high school child again in an adult’s world, nothing hurts as having your life laid out for you when you’re an adult 😩😩😩😩
- Am going to miss hanging out with my buddies at a certain bar
- Job opportunities
- Will miss my work
- I’ll miss freedom. I took for granted and postponed so many coffee and beer dates with my friends. I’ll miss my uninterrupted free (Mommy) time while the kids are either at school or playdates. I’ll miss seeing the beautiful diversity of people in my city. People whom before the lockdown and isolation, I treated like outsiders, but instead are the very threads that makeup the fabric of a society I live, love and thrive in. @pris_philosophy #Asakhe #teamMatsheumhlophe
- My girlfriend, school
- I am missing sharing news and ideas with friends
- i will miss my man
- Kubatana
- If you dont have u can not miss, you miss if you have, the people of Zimbabwe have always missed everything socially, economically and politically the list is endless. In terms of normal life Zimbabweans have missed everything
- Will definitely miss queuing for a zupco for about 3 hours and getting in there standing
- Info
- What I will miss most is the company of my friends and the freedom to go for a jog in my neighborhood.
- In these perilous times, I will miss the AFM cell group prayer services
- I will miss the WiFi i was using at work lol
- During lockdown i will miss burning money and some of my company that i burn with 😂😂
- We pray for the availability of internet
- I will miss going out and school
- Playing social football
- Will miss friends and relatives. Will also “miss” cash. Mobile money and swipe very expensive to use.
- Family
- I will miss teaching my students. I’m a tutor
- not going to town for 3 weeks 🙌🏾
- I am already missing our church gatherings.
- I will miss my job
- Being able to visit family and friends
- I’ll miss going to work, And a salary
- Work
- The country has been on lockdown for a couple of years now…same old song, not going to miss much
- Hanging out with family and friends
- I will miss my suit which I left at the Dry Cleaner and was supposed to be collected Monday. All of a sudden, somebody announces a lockdown on a Friday.
- We have no food😭😭😭
- Meeting other depressed zimbos
- Personally I’ll miss a lot, but the major thing is that feeling of volition, going wherever I want whatever time I want using whatever mode of transport I want.
- I will miss the freedom of choice when I am shopping. Now I cant drive to any supermarket I want for shopping, l have to shop closer to home. In the nearby shops there isn’t much flexibility in terms of brands. There has been so much panic buying l am having to resort to alternative products; tomato puree instead of fresh tomatoes, even soap brands. Victoria from Avonlea
- Spending the day on a full stomach we are now rationing here at home, cutting down so as to save food
- …🆓 wifi from work
- Despite that other countries are cushioning citizens. I won’t miss much but I’m worried much. Many people in Zimbabwe depend on informal trading, they live for the day, hand to mouth kind of life. Several citizens are financially incapacitated, they can’t stock anything that can sustain them for 21 days. They engage in business daily to make a living, vending and all, how are they going to make it
- Hi Kubatana! What l think is most of the people will die of hunger instead of Covid 19,
- Exit
- Nothing to miss !! Just feeling painful to the vendors . They cant survive.
- I will miss having internet connection. In Masvingo, it costs $4 to go to and from the nearest zolspot where I get 1 hour free internet. Now I cannot go there and $4 cannot buy even 50mb on all networks
- Hanging out with my friends😭
- Free WiFi, & hanging in town
- I trust you guys will be working so I will not miss your issue. However I will miss my informal source of income because hunger will be stalking my family like a pack of hungry wolves patrolling the dusty and dilapidated roads of Harare accompanied by the insatiable hunger of corona to kill. So see you guys after corona.
- I will miss business opportunities and church gatherings
- Will miss jogging and taking nature walks!
- Pizza
- Will miss my comfort at work place, we do not have PPEs to attend suspicious COVID-19 cases
- What I’ll miss most is my income being a vender with little capital I always survive on daily profits selling goods now the market will be shut down, I won’t afford to feed myself and my kids let alone pay 20US rent😞
- meeting friends in town
- Will always miss going out for self business. No more earnings🤔 #NoGoingOutNoLife😌 Will also miss loved ones out there😌
- I will miss attending church, hanging out with friends and shopping without restrictions whenever I conveniently afford
- Nothing because there is nothing to miss but its just an addition to my already miserable life brought about by this regime. Lockdown is just imprisonment perse. As we speak hundreds of people are queuing to buy mealie meal at N Richards Jerera, wotohwa munhu achishama muromo achiti lockdown wotoshaya nyika yaanoraramira kuti ndeip. Corona will wipe us as their wish, itai henyu asi zivai kuna Mwari kudenga
- Not being locked out😂😂😂😂
- I miss equality justice compliance to the rule of law, democratic freedom rights. I miss meritocracy
- Travelling l guess
- The lockdown does it start midnight today-i will miss my bible studies and beloved visitors and aimless strolls
- Will miss the huge economic activities, invested in our daily life style.
- I miss coughing freely without having to worry😢
- I will miss my wife
- I wil miss free movement
- Job Hunting
- Church services and hanging around with friends
- I wil miss hustling to get money to feed my family.
- Chamisa twitters, ever promising us of a protest and a better zim
- I will miss the social gatherings inside the durawall discussing politics n religion
- I already missed church today
- Travelling🤗
- I will miss playing social soccer with my friends
- Missing social gatherings such going to movies, live shows
- I will miss the interesting updates please don’t stop updating us
- Apparently in the current Zimbabwe there is nothing to miss because nothing is fun except your spouse 🤦🏻♂
- I am from Musana rural area in Mashonaland central, and definitely will miss going out to the market to sell my tomatoes etc😕 it is a bigger loss to me as these are perishables but then prevention is better I guess, we will always plant more tomatoes after/if we survive this Corona… Vongai
- Living life without anxiety
- I will definitely miss seeing my mum & dad, my gym tribe, my friends & the freedom that comes from just living each day. But I’m also grateful that I have a job I can do from home, I have a cool lockdown mate & I have wine
- During the lockdown I will miss the mothers who sell vegetables for daily survival. The real heroes who provide for their own families by what they make everyday from selling the vegetables.
- I’m going to miss school. I won’t get to be with my best friend who lost her mother yesterday
- Hugging friends and family, also my some of my workmates will be missed…
- My clients, I will miss my Sunday schook kids. I love those little ones so much
- The office environment. Eating out. Meeting & chatting with my sisters
- I’ll miss sitting Panze ndichiverenga makombi
- During the this lock down, l will definitely miss my workmates
- Being a backing vocalist in my church choir
Source: Kubatana