Civil Society Organizations under the umbrella of the Harare Metropolitan Residents Forum (HAMREF) will convene a devolution policy conference as preparations for the oncoming Harare Devolution Conference to be spearheaded by the Ministry of Local Government. The citizen-driven conference will be held on Thursday 05 September 2019 at a venue to be announced. The conference is a build-up to the HAMREF Campaign code-named #LeaveNoResidentBehind.
The conference is expected to tackle devolution questions on the exercise of state power by citizens and citizen participation in decision making; formula for allocation of national resources; level of independence and roles of local authorities, provincial councils and metropolitan councils; aspects of the Ministry of Local Government that should change for devolution to work as well as the laws that support devolution.
Discussions at the conference will be shaped by Chapter 14 and Sections 2(e), (f), (g), (i), (j), Section 5, Section 9(2), Section 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 301 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
Harare Metropolitan Residents Forum has lined up community engagement meetings in preparation for the Harare Metropolitan Devolution Policy Conference. The overall objective of community engagement meetings is to enhance citizen participation in the formulation and implementation of devolution in Zimbabwe.
As part of community engagement, Harare Metropolitan Residents Forum (HAMREF) in partnership with NASCOH (National Association and Society for the Care of the Handicapped) will convene a devolution engagement meeting to discuss and consolidate persons with disabilities (PwDs) position on devolution. The meeting will provide a platform for persons with disabilities to review Persons with Disabilities category’s positions, debate the positions, consolidate them into a paper and formulate a strategy to engage relevant Parliamentary Portfolio Committees. The meeting is also a first step towards the participation of Persons with Disabilities in the formulation and implementation of devolution in Zimbabwe.
Harare Metropolitan Residents Forum expects the Government of Zimbabwe to revisit laws, institutions and governance systems so that the letter and spirit of devolution envisaged in the Constitution of Zimbabwe finds space in the running of the state.
Source: Community Water Alliance