At least five ARTUZ members, non members and passers by including President Obert Masaraure, Nation Mudzitirwa Gerald Dabengwa, Lawyer Doug Coltart and ARTUZ board member, Andrew Munguri, Gerald Tavengwa, Nation Mudzitirwa, Leopold Munhende (journalist who was covering the event), Tryvine Musokeri, Godfrey Chanda, Simon Drury
Shepherd Tazvivinga.
ARTUZ is deeply disturbed that our members and others taking part in a peaceful demonstration dubbed Pay Day Funerals were picked up by the police as they started demonstrations at Minister of Finance offices in Harare. We are a trade union and we are exempted from seeking permission to demonstrate against our employer under POSA. We condemn these arrests in the strongest terms and we demand the immediate release of our Cdes.
Source: Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ)