ZESN to Observe Lupane East National Assembly, Bubi Ward 22 and Nkayi Ward 23 By-Elections

The Zimbabwe Election Support Network will observe three by-elections penciled for Saturday, 3 August 2019. Of the three, one is a National Assembly by-election for the Lupane East Constituency seat that fell vacant following the death of Sithembiso Gumbo who was a ZANU-PF MP for the Constituency. The two Ward by-elections are in respect of Bubi Ward 22 and the Nkayi Ward 23, both occasioned by the death of the former councilors.

In line with its mandate to promote democratic elections, ZESN deployed 14 Long Term Observers to observe from the pre-election up to the post-election period of the Lupane East National Assembly by-election and will comprehensively deploy Election Day observers to cover all 62 polling stations and 14 observers to cover all Ward Collation Centres, as well as the Constituency Collation Centre in the by-election. In addition, ZESN will deploy two mobile teams to assess the Election Day environment around the Constituency. For the Bubi Ward 22 by-election, ZESN observers will be deployed to three of the five polling stations. Similarly, out of the four polling stations in Nkayi Ward 23, ZESN observers will be deployed to three.

The observation of the by-elections will enable the Network to assess the extent to which standards of democratic elections as detailed in the Constitution and electoral laws of Zimbabwe as well as other regional, continental, and global frameworks. ZESN will accordingly proffer evidence-based recommendations.

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ZESN encourages the electorate in all the three by-election areas to go out and peacefully exercise their right to vote.

The Network will share updates throughout the polling processes. Citizens and other stakeholders can receive updates and participate on the following ZESN information outlets:

Source: Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN)

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