Statement on the passing on of Dr Dumiso Dabengwa

Heal Zimbabwe joins the nation in mourning the passing on of Dr Dumiso Dabengwa (79), in Kenya on May 23, 2019 while in transit to Zimbabwe from India where he had gone for medical treatment.

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On the occasion of his departure, Heal Zimbabwe joins the rest of the nation in celebrating the life of Dr Dabengwa particularly his dedication on the need for a wholesome healing and reconciliation on the Gukurahundi atrocities.Dr Dabengwa life was that of dedication and selfless principles anchored on trust, respect for human rights and justice. At the height of the Gukurahundi atrocities in 1983, Dr Dabengwa together with the late Zipra Commander, Lookout Masuku were arrested. After his release and the unfortunate passing of Masuku, he remained resolute and continued to advocate for a redress on Gukurahundi atrocities.

At the time of his death,Dr Dabengwa had set up a Dumiso Dabengwa Foundation, a non-profit organization that seeks to push for restorative justice for Gukurahundi and political violence victims in the country since 1980. Besides Dr Dabengwa’s well lived life of fighting for justice, Heal Zimbabwe notes that his contribution particularly on the need for closure on Gukurahundi atrocities is worth emulating and celebrating.Dr Dabengwa today leaves behind a legacy of hard work and selfless dedication underpinned by his principled stance on the need for a wholesome healing and reconciliation process that prioritizes the participation of various stakeholders particularly those at the local community level.

As we are mourning the death of this gallant son of the soil, Heal Zimbabwe implores the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) to speed up the process of availing the necessary healing infrastructure for a wholesome healing and reconciliation process. Added to this, government must also ensure adequate resourcing for the NPRC that will also enable it to fulfill its constitutional obligation of ensuring post-conflict justice, healing and reconciliation.

Source: Heal Zimbabwe

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