Chapter 12 Part 6 of the Constitution establishes the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) with the following core function: post conflict justice, healing, reconciliation, truth telling, rehabilitation, conflict prevention, dialogue facilitation, and social cohesion.
The NPRC developed its five-year national strategic plan guided by the input from Zimbabweans during the provincial consultations held in February – March 2018 in all the provinces.
Following the launch of the five- year strategic plan in October 2018, the NPRC has been working to set up and operationalise internal mechanisms in order to launch a nationwide healing and reconciliation programme.
The Commission is rolling out a 21-day outreach programme in order to share with and conscientise Zimbabweans on mechanisms and approaches that will be utilized in handling issues of national healing and reconciliation.
These include:
- The strategic priorities of 2019 – public hearings for healing and reconciliation, mechanisms for early detection of conflicts, national dialogue facilitation, setting up of peace committees, evidence based legislative and policy recommendations.
- Key thematic areas which include: Complaints Handling Mechanism, Victim Support Mechanism, Truth telling and Truth-seeking mechanism, Healing, Reconciliation and Rehabilitation strategy, Research and Knowledge Management Strategy.
- Highlight structures in which Zimbabweans can participate for a broad based and inclusive national healing, reconciliation and peace building process.
The itinerary is as follows:
15 – 16 April: Mashonaland East
23 – 28 April: Matabeleland North, Matabeleland South, Midlands
29 – 30 April: Mashonaland Central
2 – 4 May: Harare and Mashonaland West
6 – 7 May: Masvingo
8 – 10 May: Manicaland
14 – 15 May: Bulawayo
We encourage Zimbabweans to Participate in this process that will precede the truth seeking, truth telling and public hearings.
Source: National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC)