Community Water Alliance has noted with great concern the escalating cholera cases being recorded in Shamva.
As at 13 March 2019, six (6) cases have been reported at Shamva Primary School.
The disconnection of potable water supply at Shamva Gold mine which was effected by ZINWA six weeks ago has left residents resorting to unprotected water sources.
Section 77(a) obliges the State to achieve progressive realization of the human right to water.
It is very sad that ZINWA engages in retrogressive measures like arbitrary water disconnections.
Limitations of the human right to water must be based on Section 86 of the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe which among other things emphasize nature of the right.
ZINWA’s water disconnection has gone beyond a reasonable limitation. ZINWA had the option of issuing summons to recover its debt from Shamva Gold mine.
The water disconnection by ZINWA is therefore unfair, unreasonable, unnecessary and unjustifiable in a democratic society. It defies openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom of the residents of Shamva.
As Community Water Alliance, we demand Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) to unconditionally reconnect water supply in Shamva.
These arbitrary water disconnections justifies Community Water Alliance calls for review of water disconnection by-laws so that they echo provisions of the 2013 Constitution of Zimbabwe.
Source: Community Water Alliance