Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) conducted its fourth Community Decision Making Forum (CDMF) at Gambiza Shopping Centre in Chiwundura, Midlands Province.
The meeting brought together scores of vendors, informal traders and residents. These groups of rights holders interfaced with solution holders who attended the meeting. Solution holders included local Councilor Mr. Muswere, Village Heads and a Representative from the Ministry of Women Affairs and SMEs.
The objective of the forum was to identify key challenges faced by the locals and possible solutions to ameliorate these challenges. Some of the key challenges they are facing include the major need to construct a tarred road to connect the locals to the highway.
The community faces high commuting fares because of the gravel road they use that is worsened by the rains. The community also identified the need for two footbridges to assist school children in accessing their school and the bridges also help the locals connect to other services such as the clinic. The residents would also like to see Gambiza centre turning into a place with decent structures for businesses to strive such as decent vending stalls, ablution facilities and towerlights. The solution holders present commended the efforts from VISET and the residents in trying to Foster development in the community.
VISET shall continue to roll out these platforms to enhance local development and promote inclusive decision making.
Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET)