Grievances of doctors should be addressed by central government as a matter of urgency. The services offered by these professional are very critical and require dialogue which should not be based on officious and over-bearing government apparatus.
As a water movement we need to remind the Government of Zimbabwe that they should read the times very well. The current situation of cholera outbreaks and crisis of foreign currency required to purchase water treatment chemicals, requires well nourished and motivated health professionals.
Community Water Alliance has been assessing the water situation within Local Authorities in Zimbabwe and our preliminary findings show us the sneezing bond note will not help in any way. The challenges of inadequate salary faced by doctors will not be addressed solely by increasing their salary, it should be backed by a sound currency regime that removes bond notes from the currency basket.
The water sector is also heavily affected by the surrogate bond notes issue. The earliest government acknowledge this the better for citizens and our country.
Community Water Alliance