Water and Sanitation Barometer – Issue 9 of 2018

/The Harare Residents’ Trust (HRT) consistently monitors the water and sanitation situation in Harare Metropolitan Province in order to update its membership, strategic stakeholders, local government followers, policymakers and other decision makers for their information and interventions. Residents have experienced water disconnections, shortages, and sewerage bursts have increased the possibility of spreading diseases like typhoid, cholera, dysentery, among other water borne diseases. All the information contained herein is gathered by affected residents, through observations, interviews, phone calls, and through HRT social media platforms.

In this Water and Sanitation Barometer, the HRT examines and highlights the water and sanitation situation in Paradise, Canaan, and Cherima in Highfield, Glen Norah B, Glen Norah C Extension, Glen View 2 and Budiriro. This Water and Sanitation Barometer mainly speaks to the Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and the Quality of the water being availed to residents in the identified communities.


The Harare City Council needs to invest more in the rehabilitation of the water infrastructure as the current infrastructure is too old, and they also need to replace galvanized pipe with poly pipes. It is because the galvanized pipes accumulate rust when water is disconnected but when water is restored it carries rusty water. This old infrastructure is allowing dirty to penetrate into the water pipes which is contaminating drinking water. The CoH7 also need to invest more in securing the water reservoirs in suburbs not just securing the Morton Jaffray Water Works. More so the CoH7 needs to carry out quality assurance services at the final destination of the water i.e. suburban households. In addition, the City of Harare as a big institution should never run out of resources, medication to service its valued customers. They need to have fuel, gloves, gumboots readily available so that they can attend to sewer blockages as soon as possible, thus reducing the chances of spread of Cholera which was declared a national crisis by the President of Zimbabwe. As observed by the HRT the number of sewer burst reports has increased since the beginning of September and the response rate has been so slow.


To share information, call, sms or WhatsApp 0772869294, 0774 306 380. One can also email us on info@hrt.org.zw or programs@hrt.org.zw or hrthre@hrt.org and hretrust79@gmail.com

Source: Harare Residents Trust

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