Dear President Mnangagwa
All of us in Zimbabwe and elsewhere are desperately sad at the gunning down of innocent and unarmed civilians in the streets of Harare by your soldiers on 1 August 2018. It was clear from eye witnesses that your soldiers were under orders to kill.
Under the law – and protocol in Zimbabwe – it is only you that could have ordered the soldiers to kill innocent and unarmed civilians. Under command responsibility it is you who has to be considered jointly responsible for these murders. We understand that you profess to be a follower of Christ Jesus. Under God’s law, there has been the murder of innocent people at your hands.
We were so hoping that there was going to be a change, and that you would have heralded this change and gone down in history as being the agent of change for a just and righteous and Godly leadership.
I believe God is calling on you to do all that you can to publicly repent before God of these murders; and do all that you can to repair what you have done before the hurting loved ones of the murdered and before the people of Zimbabwe.
The Bible says: “Thus says the Lord God: you have gone too far O princes of Israel [Zimbabwe]. Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness. Cease your evictions of my people, declares the Lord God.” [Ezekiel 45 vs9] “The Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.” [Psalm 5 vs 6].
I also want to appeal to your conscience to repent before God for having taken part in the massacres in Matabeleland during mid 80s, maimings, tortures, abductions and killings that have become a part of a government that you have been part of for the past 38 years.
On the basis of the prophetic mandate endued on the church, I warn that God’s judgement is imminent if you will not repent. Also, be reminded of the word of God which says that he will punish the children because of the sins of their fathers down to the third and fourth generations [Exodus 20 verse 5b]. I pray that your children will come to the knowledge of the Lord so that they escape from the curse associated with your sins.
Sincerely in His service,
Bishop Ancelimo Magaya
Director: Zimbabwe Divine Destiny