This Is A Call

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This is a call is a call to Zimbabweans of all ages, ethnicity, culture and beliefs. Challenging them to reflect and embrace the new change in the country. A call for all different types of professions from leaders in office to the young Zimbabwean dreamer looking to inspire and play a part in the reformation of Zimbabwe. A call for some to return home and help in the rebuilding process, a call to those already at home to step out of their comfort zones and unite.


This is a call is a short empowering poetic spoken word series about Zimbabwe, by Zimbabweans and for Zimbabweans, Africa and the rest of the human race who care to hear about this beautiful nation.

It not only highlights the wonderful and vibrant side of Zimbabwe but goes into controversial topics that zone in on the past, present and future political climate of the country. It looks to the beauty of Zimbabwe as a whole, from the nation’s lands to the nation’s people, to the great history and lineage that Zimbabwe has. It challenges people to think about how we have treated each other culturally as different tribes in the past and how moving forward we can better ourselves in order to ignite the country’s flame for prosperity. Through the visual aspect of the series people will get to see just how diverse Zimbabwe is from its artistic nature, to it musical talents, to a sporting legacy and its continued enthusiasm in the growth of our agricultural sector across the country.

The goal is to get some Zimbabweans who are out the country to really hear and see the progress and the goals and aspirations of Zimbabwe, hopefully enticing them to return home and join the movement to reinvigorate the country and make it the breadbasket of Africa once again. A lot of the educated Zimbabweans are prospering in foreign lands and it would be great if even just 10% of them decided to come make a difference at home. Without the minds and the great hard-working characteristic that Zimbabweans have being put into practice, we will not be able to revamp the country as fast as we could. We have seen countries such as the UAE, cities like Adu Dhabi and Dubai changing their appearance and empowering their people. It’s hard to imagine that 10-20 years ago people never even had Dubai on their lips, now it’s the destination everybody wants to travel to. How can we as a Zimbabwe, such a naturally beautiful country gifted by Mother Nature herself, not be one of the top destinations to travel in the world. And that’s what we’re going to show in this series, that’s what we need to let people know.

We also want to give thanks to our previous leaders but also look at their reign with some constructive criticism and let them know that we as Zimbabweans are not going to stand for corruption, looting and stealing from anymore. Every country in the world has corruption but in excess and to the point of destroying a nation whilst doing nothing to empower its people is what we are against and that message must be put out there that we will no longer wait nor will we be afraid to speak out.

We also want to give thanks to our parents for showing us how to look after the family when turmoil and strain hits unexpectedly. That hard-working nature which is now instilled in us forever is what we should carry on putting into practice so that the future generations can look back at our generation and be willing to continue on the efforts to make the country better. Ending the series will be compiled as a prayer in order to give hope to the nation and for country to embrace and recognize the religious vibe that we have in Zimbabwe as a country on a whole.

The Minds Behind the series


So the series was created by Keith Shaba the day after the Solidarity March happened in Zimbabwe November 2017, which was basically the people uniting after The former president Robert Mugabe stepped down.

I was literally sitting at home the day after the Solidarity March and started thinking of something
that I could do that would have an impact, something different. And I’ve always been a fan of the
artistic side of life from music to poetry to writing; dabbling in it from time to time myself. So I
figured why not then get some poets to come together to do something a bit different with a
visual cue to go with it because these are the times we live in where such ideas can make a
difference. So I reached out to Rising Stars Media and my high school mate Nicholas Nyamusa,
who does a people’s podcast that has gained some recognition across the country. We then came up with a plan and I expanded the rest of the series ideas after a few months and then we went on to shoot the first poet. This is it, we’re really hoping its received with open minds and also creates the right type of reaction showcasing the depth of knowledge that the youth also has, along with the hope for change and prosperity to come to Zimbabwe.

The Poet

My name is Banshee (Tatiana Natalie Kondo) and I am an 18 year old upcoming spoken word artist who has been performing since the age of 15. I have performed at quite a number of shows which include 1ZWI poetry jam,Coffee and Jesus SaltyLites, House of Hunger poetry slam, This n’ That etc. I work to encourage creative thinking in aims to satarize current situations and call for people,particularly the youth, to be critical as well as objective when facing the realities of life and hope to ultimately change the Zimbabwean Nation through the words that I speak.

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The Team
Keith Shaba​
Rising Stars Media​
Nicolas Nyamusa​

Source: Keith Shaba

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