The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) wishes to advise its stakeholders within and outside Zimbabwe that The Herald in its July 3, 2018 edition (front page) misled and tarnished the image of the organization through peddling speculative predispositions as facts. The paper falsely states that the Coalition approached the USAID leading to investigations on its grantees. The state controlled publication is quoted as saying “…Sources said investigations were instituted after some board members and the management committee of Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition raised concern on how the funds released under the US democracy and governance were being abused by some directors and their friends.”
The afore said statement, is not only misleading, but malicious in as far as it is aimed at tarnishing the name of the Coalition. The state-owned publication published the story without seeking the comment of the organization against such grave allegations. This is unethical journalism which is associated with captured institutions which are bent on furthering yet to be clear agendas.
For the record, CiZC never engaged in any of the issues/actions mentioned above and has no jurisdiction and power to influence USAID processes, systems, actions and decisions. We demand that the Herald retracts the overtones of this misleading statement, giving the retraction same prominence to the misleading allegations. In the same spirit we have also lodged a complaint with the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ).
Source: Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition