This twenty-first media monitoring report on the 2018 elections highlights trends in the Zimbabwean media’s performance in their coverage of the elections. The study assessed the level to which the media is fair and balanced in representing political players. The report covers issues reported by the media on the twenty-ninth day of the election period – 28 June 2018.
On the twenty-ninth day of the electoral period, there continues to be challenges with the equitable distribution of space and time amongst political parties. Coverage of political parties was centred on the activities of three parties whilst the other 13 parties that received coverage were featured in 14% of the coverage. This trend defies the dictates of the Electoral Act, which calls for diverse, and equitable coverage political parties and actors.
It is worrying that all the political adverts that have been recorded so far have been flighted by one party. There is need for the media to field adverts from all the political parties contesting in the upcoming elections. For purposes of transparency the media should share their political advert schedules.
Source: Media Monitors
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