Gweru ‘SOCHAMPS’ ready to hit the ground running

Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) conducted two Trainer of Trainers (TOT) workshops on “Constitutional Rights, Transparency and Accountability Awareness & Advocacy” in Gweru at the Gweru Memorial Library on Saturday the 24th of March 2018. The training intervention is part and parcel of VISET’s Vendors Initiative for Participation and Accountability (VIPA) Project which was launched early this month in the City of Progress. The project is anchored on the strategic mobilization of the informal sector dominated by vending, and building its capacity to demand constitutionalism by public officials.

VIPA is premised on the postulation that if the ideals of constitutionalism are adhered to, the livelihoods of street vendors will improve since legislation that pertain to vending will be aligned to the constitution. It will also mean an end to the deliberate attempt by the public officials to ignore livelihood issues, which have become central to the survival of the economy and citizens. VIPA will also ensure that the government welcomes the informal sector as the new employer of young men and women.

In Gweru 25 leaders of the Socio-Economic Champions (SOCHAMPS) (18 females, 7 males and 12 youths) participated in the workshop first meeting that was done in the morning on the 24th while 27 vendors (23 females, 4 males and 13 youths) participated during the afternoon workshop. The trained SOCHAMPs are expected to take the trainings to other spaces in Mkoba, Senga, Central Business District and Ascot and VISET will be on the ground to assist the empowered SOCHAMPs.

Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET)

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