On the 15th of February 2018, Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET) completed the second phase of the Issue-Based Voter Education and (Agitation) Mobilization Campaign (IBVA). The training was conducted at Mbudzi Roundabout with members coming from Chitungwiza, Hopley and Mbudzi Roundabout. After the completion of this second phase, a pool of over 200 Voters Voter Educators (VVEs) for the MOWEF ‘IBVA’ Street and Constituency Conversations has been created. The VVEs will ensure a continuous impartation of knowledge on electoral processes at the street and constituency levels and in the process influence vendors to participate in the actual registration.
These street conversations will be conducted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The conversations act as platforms for vendors to discuss amongst themselves their experiences of the previous week regarding voter registration and other electoral processes. VISET will be closely monitoring the issues and challenges coming up and will be there to assist wherever possible. Only two BVR Centres are left to register people living in Harare and Chitungwiza.
Source: Vendors Initiative for Social and Economic Transformation (VISET)