The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) joins the people of Zimbabwe, the democratic movement, and the Tsvangirai family in mourning the tragic passing on of former Prime Minister, Dr. Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.
Tsvangirai succumbed to cancer of the colon at Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre in Johannesburg in South Africa on February 14, 2018.
The late Tsvangirai was a dedicated champion of social justice, human rights, human dignity and democracy not only in Zimbabwe, but even beyond our borders.
There is no doubt that Tsvangirai leaves a rich, exemplary and inspiring legacy for all societies struggling in search of liberty, promotion of human rights and defence of human dignity.
As ZimRights, we are honoured that this great and courageous patriot was one of the luminaries, who founded this organisation 26 years ago and are proud to be inheritors of his legacy.
Through numerous difficulties, including physical assaults, detention, and imprisonment, Tsvangirai distinguished himself as a tenacious human rights defender in his own right.
The people of Zimbabwe have a duty to honour this icon by continuing, in earnest and into the far future, his vision for a truly human rights-respecting society, underpinned by a vibrant multiparty democracy.
As we celebrate his life, we must feel challenged by his humble love of his country to love Zimbabwe the same way that he did through his exemplary works.
The man-mountain of justice has gone, but his vision will live forever.
May his dear soul rest in eternal peace.
Go, well, Zimbabwe’s democracy icon!
Source: ZimRights