The National Association of Non Governmental Organisations (NANGO), the umbrella body of NGOs operating in Zimbabwe, notes with concern the current political developments in the nation, which impacts on the peace and stability of the country. We call on all stakeholders to remain focused, composed and guided by the Constitution. Zimbabweans are a peace-loving people, a heritage that we cherish.
Of note, we have observed in the past few months, the escalation of seeming hostilities within the political landscape and the current intervention by the military in the current political environment. We stress the need to amicably resolve these differences.
As civil society in Zimbabwe, we note the supremacy of the Constitution of Zimbabwe and call upon the concerned parties to uphold, respect and abide by its provisions. In this regard, we invite the people of Zimbabwe to join us in calling for unity, peace, tranquility, respect to the sanctity of human life and stability, which we are so renowned for as Zimbabweans.
We are one people! We are one Zimbabwe! Lets Stand United.
Source: National Association of Non Governmental Organisations (NANGO)