Residents of Glen Norah today 13 November 2017, protested against poor quality of Harare water which is coming from the tap with a sewer smell.
The protest was also triggered by engagement of Well-cash Debt Collectors which charged 10% administration costs on residents in violation of Sections 8 and 9 of the Legal Practitioners Act.
Residents expressed reservations with the proposal to increase water tariff from 0,25c to 0,70c per cubic meter for post-paid system and from 0,25c to $1,20c per cubic meter for prepaid system.
A petition was presented to the Area Administrator Ms Zvavanjanja, the Town Clerk’s office and the Mayor’s office.
The demands of the petition include dis-engagement of Well-cash debt collectors; crediting into customer accounts all money paid through Well-cash; testing water quality at taps within suburbs; review of the 2018 City of Harare Budget proposal; preservation of wetlands and natural infrastructure of water; sharing of a report with stakeholders on the use of US$144 million loan and the pre-paid water meter pilot project.
Source: Community Water Alliance